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Alumni Services provide a networking platform for graduates so that they can network with former fellow students and lecturers, receive news from their university and network with students. An annual highlight is the Alumni Night with the alumni award ceremony.

Alumni-Nacht 2019

(c) Alexander Müller

Your benefits

Get together

Meet former classmates and representatives from your study programs and also exchange ideas with students.

Stay informed

  • Quarterly alumni newsletter with news from your university and event calendar
  • Access to the job platform “Career Center”, library and continued use of the edu e-mail address

Stay connected

Use the alumni tool of our university account on LinkedIn to network with other alumni. Search filters by sector, study program and graduation year make it easier to find relevant contacts.

Life Long Learning

In our newsletter we regularly inform you about educational offers at FHWien der WKW, such as further education courses and offers from our educational partners.

Get involved

You can get involved at FHWien der WKW!

  • Are practical projects and research questions of interest to you or your company?
  • We are open for ideas, topics and exchange, and look forward to your inquiries.

Alumni Stories

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and read our magazine STUDIO! to learn more about our graduates and their careers.

Contact form

Stay up to date!

You are one of our graduates and you would like to receive our information to an e-mail address other than your address? Then update your contact details here and we will be happy to keep you informed!

I update my contact details in order to be kept up to date on events, benefits and news from the FHWien der WKW.

I am aware that the FHWien der WKW sends information about events, offers and news from the Alumni & Career Services by e-mail or newsletter and I agree to this dispatch to the e-mail address I have provided in accordance with §107 of the Telecommunications Act (TKG). I can unsubscribe free of charge at any time. Furthermore, the general data protection declaration and the data protection declaration for graduates apply.  

Alumni Talks

Alumni Talk

In the online event series Alumni Talk, graduates from FHWien der WKW pass on their expertise to students and other alumni and talk about career paths, challenges and future prospects. The event offers participants the opportunity to ask questions and get to know the diverse development opportunities of FHWien der WKW alumni.

You are a graduate and would like to share your experience and knowledge with the FHWien der WKW community? We are looking forward to your message!

News & Events

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