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To provide the best possible support for the career plans of our students and graduates, we offer the online job platform “Career Center” for internship and job searches and career services such as CV checks, application photo shoots and events with partner companies.

We provide insights into the job profiles and working environments of companies and provide optimal preparation for making contact with future employers from various industries. Once a year at the Career Day, students and graduates meet with well-known companies that value them as potential employees.

Career Center for Students & Alumni

At the Career Center of FHWien der WKW, students and graduates can find internships and jobs, apply directly on the platform and discover career events.

  • Find out which jobs and companies are suitable for your next career step.
  • Benefit from career and application tips.
  • Network and attend recruiting events.
  • Apply for internships and jobs at partner companies of FHWien der WKW or at companies in the European network of our platform partner JobTeaser.

Career Center for Companies

Best-trained talents for your team!

FHWien der WKW’s job platform is based on a user-friendly system by JobTeaser, which allows you to manage your job advertisements independently.

You can easily publish, change, archive and republish your job offers in the Career Center at any time!

Here you can post your job offers for free.

Close cooperation with the business world is a success factor of the University of Applied Sciences. Are you interested in further cooperation with FHWien der WKW? Well-coordinated business partnerships enable our students to receive an optimal, practice-oriented education with good career entry and advancement opportunities.

Find out more about corporate partnerships here.

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