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Partnering with your Company

Close collaboration with businesses is a critical success factor for FHWien der WKW. Well-suited cooperation partners support us in providing our students with effective, practical and relevant training. We have a varied range of cooperation opportunities available to our business partners.

Cooperations with FHWien der WKW

Working together in research & teaching

The opportunities for cooperation range from internships, final theses to research and practical projects through to employer branding packages.

“Find the right form of cooperation for your company. I look forward to a successful collaboration!” Ing. Mag. (FH) Michael Heritsch, MSc, Chief Executive Officer

Knowledge Transfer

We maintain a continuous exchange of knowledge with our partner companies. To this end, we offer exclusive insights into the latest developments in research and teaching. The input and participation of our partner companies guarantee the high standard and practical relevance of various public events.

Depending on the subject area and setting, the events are aimed at students, graduates and/or the general public.

Examples of events with corporate partners

  • Career events for students and young graduates (e.g. Career Day)
  •  Awards and distinctions (e.g. Alumni Awards, Journalism Young Talent Award)
  • Events on topics such as strategy, digital transformation and sustainability (e.g. SDG Day)
  • Lectures and discussion panels

Have a look at our current events.

Alumni & Career Services

Alumni & Career Services bring graduates, students, lecturers and companies together. Regardless of year and study program, we create the opportunity to make valuable personal and professional contacts.

With services such as our online job platform Career Center, the Career Day and the Alumni Awards, we offer a networking platform for students and graduates.

For cooperation partners, Alumni & Career Services offer the ideal opportunity to make contacts with graduates and students and to present their company. You can reach a total of over 9,000 contacts via our network.

Cooperations with Study Programs

Our Study Programs cover the two areas of communication and management with practice-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs as well as continuing education programs. In this way, corporate partners have the opportunity to communicate with students.

The spectrum of possible cooperation stretches from business field projects, to the support and awarding of theses, to joint events. In this way, corporate partners are afforded a variety of ways to position themselves within FHWien der WKW.

Research & Development

Our Research Coordination Office will support you in all matters relating to your research project and put you in touch with the right contact person for your research questions.

Get an overview of the range of services offered by our Research & Development teams.

Successful Partnerships

The fact that our cooperation with our business partners works so well is mainly due to the wide range of opportunities we have to offer. The spectrum ranges from targeted employer branding packages for the target group of students to long-term sponsoring cooperations.