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Employees’ word raps

Daniela Wagner

Daniela Wagner

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Career Fields in Tourism

Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs


I feel motivated when I am working in our team, where there is room to try new things and to realize projects.

My first career dream: the classic “secretary”.

Bringing work and family under one roof is extremely important to me and fortunately can be implemented very well in my position.

I can laugh heartily at the situation comedy in the “Brenner” movies.

I manage stress effectively with sport. I prefer to eat freshly cooked food, with seed oil and, if possible, without sugar.

My favorite place at FHWien der WKW is “our” kitchen on the 3rd floor – it’s creative, colorful, sociable, communicative and full of moments of pleasure.

My favorite book changes constantly – right now “Juliet, Naked” by Nick Hornby.

I always only fill up with energy after breakfast.

What’s the cool thing about my job: accompanying people on their way for a while.

My secret of success: Always see the glass as half full.

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