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Employees’ word raps

Marina Prem

Marina Prem

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Sales & CRM

Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs


I feel motivated when people trust me, when I see the meaningfulness in something.

My first career aspiration: As a child, I wanted to save the world and manage a Noah’s Ark with my grandfather’s help.

Career and family are both areas where I feel at home.

I can laugh heartily at situation comedies and at myself.

I cope with stress by meditating and with humor.

I love to eat right across the cuisines of all the continents.

My favorite place at FHWien der WKW is the lecture hall.

My favorite book: The Elephant Whisperer (Anthony/Spence, 2018); a professor from India recommended it to me.

I’m energized after a sense of accomplishment, after a piece of chocolate, after a day at the ocean or a lake.

What’s cool about my job: the ongoing broadening of horizons through the regular exchange between academically sound theory and business practice (external lecturers from the private sector, practical project assignments, international guest lecturers, etc.).

My secret of success: Act according to the motto “Love what you do. And do it with heart, conviction and dedication.” Then success will come automatically.

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