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Employees’ word raps

Melanie Gratzer

Melanie Gratzer

Coordinator Marketing Communications

Communication Management and Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs


I feel motivated because my position allows me to utilize all of my marketing expertise. Everything I do pays off.

My first career aspiration: teacher or veterinarian

Career and family can be easily combined thanks to the flexible working hours.

I can laugh heartily about funny situations from everyday life, when someone starts laughing and can’t stop … it’s contagious!

I cope with stress through a calm mind, good planning and the certainty that everything will work out.

My favorite thing to eat is home-cooked meals made from fresh regional ingredients.

My favorite place at FHWien der WKW is the Audimax, when everyone listens to the (guest) lecturer with rapt attention (e.g. at the lecture by former BBC news correspondent Michael Cole on the subject of Brexit).

My favorite book is “The Story of the Bees” by Maja Lunde.

I’m energized when my projects make progress and I feel that we’re all pulling in the same direction as a team.

What I like about my job is the variety, the personal responsibility and the creative freedom.

My secret to success: show what you’re made of and always give your best.

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