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Jobs at FHWien der WKW

Our job offers – meaningful

Do you want to become part of our team – a team that holds firmly together, even in times of crisis, and offers you stable prospects? We are constantly looking for employees who will ensure the excellent quality of our teaching and research with us in the future. We are currently expanding our team in the areas listed below.

Communication with our applicants is important to us – we process every application and we have adapted the application process to the current situation with phone and video calls.

Curious about the premises of our University of Applied Sciences? Take a look at our TeamLife video.

Here you can also find out about the conditions and diverse benefits that make our TeamLife attractive.


The FHWien der WKW team operates in three focus areas where you can contribute your expertise, personality and talents.


Sebastian Eschenbach
is looking for …

Fachexpert:in (m/w/d) für Digitale Innovation – Lehre & Praxisprojekte

Sie begeistern Studierende mit praxisorientierten Lehrmethoden, bringen frischen Wind in den Hörsaal und behalten gleichzeitig organisatorische Aufgaben stets im Blick. Werden Sie ein wichtiger Teil unserer Lehre, coachen Sie Studierende in praxisorientierten Projekten und gestalten Sie hybride Lernerlebnisse – kreativ und strukturiert.

Beschäftigungsausmaß: 40 Wochenstunden


There are currently no vacant positions with a focus on Research.


Silke Tomasch
is looking for …

Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) Study Services – Service Point & Studierendenbetreuung

Sie sind unser Organisationstalent, das Studierende, Lehrende und Interessierte unterstützt und hinter den Kulissen unsere Prozesse am Laufen hält. Werden Sie die unverzichtbare Schnittstelle in unserem vielfältigen Studienalltag!

Bereich: Study Services
Beschäftigungsausmaß: 40 Wochenstunden

Unsolicited application

Do you want to become part of our team and shape the university of applied sciences of the future? Feel free to send us your informative unsolicited application!

Unsolicited application at FHWien der WKW

FHWien der WKW

Working at FHWien der WKW – our TeamLife – is diverse, interesting and meaningful.

Our team

Our employees talk about their experiences with FHWien der WKW as an employer and about their areas of responsibility.

What we offer

What general conditions make our TeamLife attractive? Find out more about flexible time management, continuing education and other benefits!