Our Study Programs
BA Content Production & Digital Media Management
“Digital first” is the motto of the part-time Bachelor's program in Content Production & Digital Media Management. In addition to the practical teaching of journalistic know-how, the focus is on the multi-media preparation of content and the editorial design of media products.
BA Journalism & Media Management
A Bachelor’s degree in Journalism & Media Management trains students to become qualified journalists and media managers in just three years incl. journalism basics for print, TV, radio, online media plus competences in economy, law and management.
MA Journalism & New Media
The Master’s program offers application-oriented and theory-based courses to enable graduates to work in quality journalism and develop their own media projects. The focus is on journalistic know-how for print, TV, radio and online as well as in the use of these skills for multimedia work.
Radio Radieschen 91.3
Radio Radieschen is the training radio station of FHWien der WKW. Students of the Journalism & Media Management Study Programs learn radio in theory and practice – among other things, they create their own radio programs and go live on air.
Apart from teaching, our radio editorial team provides quality content and inspires listeners with programs such as Science Radio, Start Me Up – the start-up magazine, #Vienna or the feature format “Hörfeld”.
Radio Radieschen – radio to my taste
Online Magazine "Studying Journalism"
Whether it’s exciting TV magazines, inspiring radio features or impressive (multimedia) reports: A large number of journalistic contributions are produced during the study program. In our online magazine “Studying Journalism,” we present selected works and practical projects by our students.
Divided into the sections TV & Video, Radio & Audio and Multimedia & Text, the online magazine offers students the opportunity to present themselves and their own work to a larger audience. Prospective students thus gain an insight into studying journalism at FHWien der WKW.
Studying Journalism – See, hear, read the practice.
News & Events

FH-Prof. in Mag.a Dr.in Daniela Süssenbacher

FH-Prof. Dr. phil. Mag. phil. Marian Adolf

Mag.a (FH) Regula Blocher
New Media & Online Journalism

Mag. Andreas Hess, MBM

Mag.a Dr.in Carola Leitner
New Media & Online Journalism

Larissa Neuburger, MA MA PhD
City of Vienna Competence Team Master Propaedeutics - Bridge courses in Research Skills & Methods

Mag.a Gisela Reiter