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A variety of areas of responsibility and constantly changing professional challenges define current and future careers in management. A high demand for versatile and well-connected management experts exists for this reason.

The Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs provide business studies generalists with a large amount of practical experience both at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. One of the main objectives of these degree programs is for students to analyze typical business problems from different perspectives. Students will also have the skills at their disposal to become experts in a particular field, based on the solid foundations they learned in their degree programs.

The majority of lecturers have a background in business and use their classes to pass on their skills using innovative teaching methods (for example case studies, simulation games, practical projects etc.) so that the contents of classes is conveyed more effectively and more sustainably.

Our Study Programs

Learn more about BA Management & Entrepreneurship

BA Management & Entrepreneurship

The Bachelor’s degree program in Management & Entrepreneurship is a three year business administration degree program (full-time or part-time), which creates the leaders and company founders of tomorrow. Become a coveted business generalist!

Learn more about MA Executive Management

MA Executive Management

The Master’s degree program in Executive Management offer graduates a two-year, part-time, generalist business degree for managers. Graduates of this program are equipped with all the necessary skills to manage companies that want to exploit their growth potential internationally.

Practical projects with our students - your challenge, our solution

Our Bachelor students work on practical issues directly from the business world as part of various modules. Companies such as Austrian Standards, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), Deloitte, MAN, Mediaprint, Raiffeisen-Holding, Oberbank AG and Coca-Cola rely on our expertise and commission us with marketing studies, location analyses and strategy and concept development in a wide range of business areas.

Depending on the task at hand, we use various didactic methods, including problem-based learning, to develop innovative and application-oriented solutions.

Would you like to implement a practical project with our students, start a cooperation or assign a Master’s thesis?

Contact our team – we look forward to hearing from you!


Our degree programs guarantee a practice-oriented education: 70% of lecturers in the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs come directly from the business world. We also cooperate continuously with an extensive network of partners.

Examples of our successful partnerships include:

Logo Austrian Standards BDO Oesterreich Coca Cola HBC Österreich
Austrian Standards BDO Austria Coca Cola HBC Austria
Deloitte Logo Oberbank Logo Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
Deloitte Austria Oberbank AG Austrian Red Cross
Logo Raiffeisen Bausparkasse St. Anna Krebsforschung
Raiffeisen Bausparkasse RISE GmbH St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung
MediaPrint Bundesministerium für Finanzen MAN
Mediaprint Federal Ministry for Finance MAN

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  • helpful tips for the admissions procedure and
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FHWien der WKW

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News & Events


Manfred Schieber, MA MSc

Manfred J. Schieber, MA, MBA, MSc

Head of Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs

Head of Program
International MBA in Management & Communications

Katharina Rotter

Katharina Rotter, BA MA


Head of Program Insurance Management
Andreas Miksche

Andreas Miksche, MA

Academic Expert & Lecturer

Katharina-Ulm Mag.a Mag.a Katharina Ulm

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Research Skills & Methods in Management & Entrepreneurship

Head of Program
MSc Retail Management

Mag. (FH) Andreas Tschiltsch

Mag. (FH) Andreas Tschiltsch

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Research Skills in Management & Entrepreneurship / Lecturer
Mag.a Christine Güttel

Mag.a Christine Güttel

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Human Resources Management

Head of EMBA Leadership
Maija Worek Maija Worek, MSc

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Family Business

MA23-Project „Organizational Ambidexterity in SMEs"

Stefan Wrbka

FH-Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrbka, LL.M.

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Business Law


Diana Muslimova, BA, MSc

International Course Manager

Cornelia Pirka, BA MA

Coordinator Marketing Communications

Felix Falkenberg

Department Assistant

Teaching Assistant (E-Learning)