Our Study Programs
BA Marketing & Sales
A Bachelor’s degree in Marketing & Sales stands for high-quality. The curriculum is geared towards providing students with comprehensive specialist knowledge in the areas of marketing and sales and developing students’ social skills in just six semesters.
MA Marketing & Sales Management
The Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management is a practice-oriented, part-time degree program. It offers an extensive specialization on strategic tasks for persons with leadership responsibility in marketing and sales.
Employers are placing ever increasing value on international experience and intercultural skills, such as the ability to work in international teams or to deal adequately with cultural differences, over and above a professionally sound education. The Communication Management Study Programs take this development into account and are well established in the international community. With the help of our large international network, we offer our students, for example:
- Insights into international trends through the regular integration of international guest lecturers in our courses.
- A semester abroad at one of our 150 partner universities We have a large selection of Erasmus partners but also bi-lateral agreements and offer support and advice to those students who prefer to go abroad as a “freemover”.
- As an edcom member school we offer various opportunities:
- edcom Graduation Competition: The best bachelor’s and master’s theses of the year are nominated to Inspire! by eaca (European Association of Communications Agencies).
- Ad Venture student competition: In this international competition, students create their own advertising campaigns for a real client.
- International business field projects: On an annual basis, we nominate selected students to participate in an international business field project in cooperation with five other universities.
- We regularly organise Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) projects with our partner universities in various modules.
- And much more.
News & Events

FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Sieglinde Martin
Department of Communication
Head of Communication Management Study Programs

Mag. Thomas Schmidt
Head of Bachelor’s Program Marketing & Sales
Head of Competence Center for Marketing
Head of Program
MSc Marketing & Sales Management

FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous
Head of Program MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing

FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Ilona Pezenka
City of Vienna Competence Team Master Propaedeutics - Bridge courses in Research Skills & Methods

FH-Prof. Dr. phil. Mag. phil. Marian Adolf

Mag.a Melanie Gratzer
Academic Expert & Lecturer
Business Administration & Law in Communication
Business Field Projects / Internships

Larissa Neuburger, MA MA PhD
City of Vienna Competence Team Master Propaedeutics - Bridge courses in Research Skills & Methods