Major Effort Crowned with Success
This annual report is a first: For the first time ever, our review of the past year is appearing in digital form, so you can access this retrospective anytime and anywhere with just a few clicks or taps on your touchscreen. Plus, the format of our annual report now fits perfectly with FHWien der WKW’s digitalization strategy.
The coronavirus pandemic required massive digitalization efforts in 2020, as teaching activities had to be moved to the Internet almost literally overnight. To achieve this extremely rapid transition to distance learning across the board, our team and our many external teaching staff had to pull out all the stops. For me, that made the positive feedback from many students and teachers all the more gratifying.
Besides teaching, the information events for our study programs and the entire admissions process also had to shift into a virtual space. The number of applicants seeking to study at our university of applied sciences exceeded all expectations and showed how strong the demand is for our educational offerings.
Among the many good reasons to study at FHWien der WKW are its strong practical orientation and its closeness to the business community. In 2020, the respected U-Multirank university ranking system provided an impressive confirmation that we are keeping our promise of a strong focus on real-life practice. In the “Contact to Work Environment” category, FHWien der WKW is ranked among the top 25 universities – out of about 1,800 educational institutions evaluated worldwide.
Sustainability was a major focus last year. With the founding of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES), we have bundled our established and internationally recognized scientific initiatives in the areas of business ethics and corporate governance. Included within IBES is the Josef Ressel Center for Collective Action and Responsible Partnerships (CARe), also founded in 2020. The first Josef Ressel Center at FHWien der WKW examines what drives businesses to cooperate, and how these cooperative efforts can succeed.
I would like to thank the extraordinary team at FHWien der WKW and our committed teaching staff, who have played an essential part in our university’s successful development despite the challenging conditions imposed by the pandemic.
Ing. Mag. (FH) Michael Heritsch, MSc
Chief Executive Officer
FHWien der WKW