
Guiding Principles of FHWien der WKW

»Practice-oriented and
research-based higher
education with excellent
career prospects for
students – highly qualified
specialists and managers
for the domestic economy«

As a university of applied sciences with close ties to business, we offer our students practical training and continuing education in management and communication. We equip our students with applied knowledge at the cutting edge of research and entrepreneurial practice.

Through a broad spectrum of part-time study programs, we enable students to combine their studies with career and family. In this way, we take into account the situation of working people.

When introducing new study programs, we always pay attention to companies needs. We further develop existing study programs so that they meet the changing requirements of companies. Thanks to our close proximity to the business world, we offer our students excellent career prospects at home and abroad.

At the same time, we contribute to strengthening Vienna as a business location, for whose success highly qualified employees and managers are central: Domestic companies find in our graduates the highly qualified specialists and managers they need to be successful on the globalized market.

In the field of science, we focus on practical research and development, the results of which directly benefit companies.

The leading
university of
applied sciences
for management &

We are Austria’s leading provider of university of applied sciences study programs and continuing education programs for management and communication, increasingly also at the interface of digital technology and business. According to the principle of lifelong learning, we design academic education actively, flexibly and and in a future-oriented way.

In research, we are internationally visible in special topics and recognized for our excellence. To this end, we work closely with renowned partners in international projects.


2021 in Figures

Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs
  • Male
  • Female
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Study programs

Communication Management

High-Quality Study Programs with Dual Honors

The Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication and the Master’s program in Communication Management both received two awards. The Public Relations Association Austria (PRVA) awarded both programs the distinction “PRVA-approved” once more and the International Advertising Association (IAA) awarded them its “IAA-Approved” quality seal.

The COVID-19 survey of the City of Vienna Competence Team for the Digitalization of Communication entered the second round with a survey of students and lecturers on distance learning. Special attention was paid to the topic of “e-assessment”. The paper on the subject was presented by Jasmin Séra at the EADTU I-HE Conference in November 2021. Furthermore, the head of the team, Georg Feldmann, gave a digital outlook for the time after corona. Senior Researcher Uta Rußmann was appointed to the PR Ethics Council.

Events were held in the tried-and-tested online format. The renowned geneticist Markus Hengstschläger accepted the invitation to hold the keynote speech. He talked about “Solution talent as an innovation driver. The Digital Impact Night held in May focused on sustainability and start-up communication. The series on Growth Hacking looked at what is behind the marketing buzzword that has its origins in the start-up scene.

Despite the sometimes challenging circumstances, the practical projects carried out in cooperation with Jugend am Werk, Österreichische Bundesbahnen and WEMOVE RUNNINGSTORE were completed successfully thanks to the extreme flexibility and immense dedication of the students, lecturers and clients. Mag.a Sieglinde Martin
Head of Department
Department of Communication

We have long had positive experiences with the students from FHWien der WKW who do their compulsory internships with us. Now working together on a practical project has definitely paid off: in the form of concrete results, but also in terms of inspiration and learning on both sides. Without exception the teams not only engaged with the task at hand, they threw themselves into it with enthusiasm. Always supported by the team of experts from FHWien der WKW, the young colleagues delivered sound analyses, scrutinized the environment, developed fresh and cross-brushed ideas and presented their concepts in a highly professional manner. We gathered valuable input from all the groups and as soon as the project ended followed through on it by implementing the first measures. Congratulations on this cooperation program!

Sandra Jopp
Team Leader Internal Communication, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Practical Project Partner

Photo: ÖBB/Nina Helf

Digital Economy

Expanding Study Programs and a Growing Team

In 2021, work at the Department of Digital Economy at FHWien der WKW and its study programs focused on four main tasks:

Developing the team. Without qualified and motivated colleagues, it is hard to get anything done at a university. At the same time, practically every field and every industry is looking for digital technology and transformation professionals. We are therefore all the more pleased that in 2021 the team at the department increased from four to eight full-time colleagues who are supported by a growing number of external lecturers.

Expanding the Bachelor’s study program. In fall 2019 the range of study programs at FHWien der WKW was expanded with a part-time Bachelor’s program in Digital Business. It trains future executives at the interface of digital technology, management and communication. We will celebrate the first graduations in 2022. In 2021 FHWien der WKW was granted federal funding for an additional 51 places for this Bachelor’s program following a highly competitive process.

Preparing the Master’s study program in Digital Innovation Engineering. In 2020 we were given a commitment for 40 federally funded places on the planned Master’s program in Digital Innovation Engineering. This part-time study program deals with the creative use of digital technologies for the agile development of innovative business processes and products. The application for accreditation was submitted to AQ Austria at the end of 2021. The new study program is scheduled to begin in fall 2022.

Founding the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS). In the first half of 2021 a research institute was set up at the Department of Digital Economy that focuses its research on topics very similar to those taught in the study programs. By the end of the year, the IDS had already published a number of papers and, in addition to participating in smaller research projects, had acquired two medium-sized, multi-year third-party funded projects.

FH-Prof. Dr. Dr. Sebastian Eschenbach
Head of Department
Department of Digital Economy

Digital technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. With technical know-how combined with entrepreneurial thinking and communication and marketing skills, you’ll be prepared to take on a leading role in the world of business. Digital Business is the cross-disciplinary study program of the future!

Mag.a Lorena Skiljan, MBA
Founder & Managing Partner at Nobilegroup

Financial Management

Well Prepared for Careers in Financial Management

In 2021, digitalization remained a key focus area of the Financial Management study programs as nowadays it plays an important role in finance, accounting and taxation as well as in financial management and controlling. Our science-based academic program that nevertheless has a strong practical focus systematically integrates this development into our teaching and thus provides ideal preparation for a successful career in financial management.

The internationalization of our teaching activities also continued to be an important area of work, with students reaping the benefits in courses such as “Special Issues in International Accounting” and “Economics”.

In the area of project management and corporate projects existing partnerships were continued, and new and exciting projects added in the field of tax law in cooperation with an international consulting firm and in the field of accounting in cooperation with a real estate company.

Teaching activities continued to be severely affected by the corona crisis in 2021. Courses were held in a combination of classroom teaching and distance learning so that we could react flexibly to the changing situation and lockdowns. In addition, increased use was made of modern didactic tools.

Dr. Thomas Kaufmann-Lerchl
Head of Financial Management Study Programs

What makes the Bachelor’s study program in Finance, Accounting and Taxation so special is that it offers excellent training for so many different career paths: In the fields of tax consulting and auditing the ability to work analytically is central. The specialized knowledge can be applied to pretty much any company. In controlling, work tends to be rather company-specific but highly varied in terms of subject matter, ranging from cost-accounting to process management. In the financial markets an excellent command of the mathematical and statistical fundamentals is essential. All these areas are covered in the Bachelor’s study program. In the Master’s study program in Financial Management & Controlling, the acquisition of management and leadership skills is added to the teaching of the industry-specific knowledge.

FH-Prof. Dr. Christian Kreuzer
Managing Director of the Österreichische Controller Institut
Member of Faculty

Human Resources & Organization

Focus on Digitalization and the New World of Work

The focus in 2021 was on teaching, research and day-to-day collaboration managing the pandemic and digitalization. This was also reflected in the Bachelor’s and Master’s theses which were dominated by the following topics.

  • Digitalization & new worlds of work and learning environments
  • Occupational health management
  • Coaching as a management tool
  • Generation management
  • Sustainability in human resources management

Our annual practical projects also addressed these issues. For example, the third-semester Master’s students developed concepts for employee retention in times of crisis on behalf of our cooperation partner TUI. The fourth-semester Bachelor’s students developed ideas and concepts for successful virtual collaboration in the international HR community for T-Systems, one of the world’s leading providers of digital services. In a practice-based research study, they also investigated how the world of work will change after the pandemic.

We also continued teaching activities very successfully in this extraordinary year: innovative concepts for online teaching were expanded and international partnerships continued smoothly in the virtual realm. This was made possible by the immense dedication and strong didactic-methodological competence of our teaching staff, the continuing support by the Competence Center for E-Learning, and our students’ openness and ability to cooperate. Christina Maria Schweiger
Head of Human Resources & Organization Study Programs

Even before the pandemic, the topic of employer branding was enormously important for TUI. The opportunity to develop ideas and innovative approaches together with students on the Master’s program in Organizational & Human Resources Development was therefore especially valuable for us. In this practical project we were able to focus on the goal of motivating employees to stay with the company in the long term while at the same time positioning the company as an attractive employer. The ideas generated in this project then formed the basis for a number of measures. As a graduate of the program myself, it gave me particular pleasure to work together with students on new strategies in this exciting area and thus also to give them an insight into real-world business practice. True to the motto ‘from practice for practice.’ I am very much looking forward to implementing the results.

Denise Mach, BSc MA
Learning & Development
Human Resources
Master’s Graduate 2020

Photo: TUI

Journalism & Media Management

The New Normal Has Become Normal

In 2021 the pandemic situation became the new normal. Flexibility and solution-oriented approaches became more important than ever. And although travel was restricted in 2021, a number of International Weeks still took place in either a physical or hybrid format. Mostly, however, conferences that had been planned as events with physical attendance were once more held in a purely digital space, as was the case with the annual EJTA Teachers’ Conference, which in 2021 focused on data journalism. Students and teachers alike were thus able to experience more face-to-face contact in some phases of the pandemic and less in others.  At any rate, the setting was always exciting and it also became clear that things were not much different in the professional environment.

Plan A is good, but Plan B is not bad either. Since some projects could not be realized on site, the Journalism & Multimedia study programs organized an Online-Workshop on Multimedia Storytelling within the framework of the International School for Multimedia Journalism (ISMJ) in order to prepare the ISMJ planned for July 2022 together with students and teachers of the international partner universities. The Public Value Lecture series was also continued in cooperation with the ORF Competence Centre. The fifth edition focused on digitalization and the development of new formats at ORF.

The third FHWien der WKW Journalism Young Talent Award  again attracted some exciting entries. However, students and staff also excelled in other competitions.  Radio Radieschen host Johanna Hirzberger not only received a nomination for the Prix Europe, she was also awarded the Prelate Leopold Ungar Recognition Prize for her radio feature on key workers.

Incidentally, have you noticed? Our in-house training station has been renamed and is now called Radio Radieschen 91.3 – in keeping with the motto “Radio to my taste”. Information about everything else that has been going on in our study programs and the practical projects that have been completed can be found in the online magazine “Journalismus studieren“. Mag.a Daniela Süssenbacher
Head of Journalism & Media Management Study Programs

Good and independent journalism is becoming increasingly important, as events in 2021 have impressively demonstrated. People, institutions and principles are needed to counter fake news and paid-for journalism disguised as genuine news reporting. ORF guarantees the independence and reliability of public service media production with effective guidelines such as the Code of Conduct or Editorial Statute but also with comprehensive quality assurance processes, thus creating public value for society and democracy. To ensure that this remains the case, highly qualified young journalists are needed. FHWien der WKW’s Journalism & Media Management study programs make an important contribution to this, among other things with the joint series of Public Value Lectures, which took place for the fifth time in 2021. I am delighted that we will be able to continue these lectures in 2022.

Konrad Mitschka
ORF Public Value Competence Center, ORF
Editor of the ORF Public Value Report

Photo: ORF

Management & Entrepreneurship

Practical Preparation for Leadership Roles

The Management & Entrepreneurship study programs prepare students in both the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs for future management roles at different levels. The study and teaching activities on our programs therefore all have a very high level of practical relevance.

In addition to the field projects carried out on behalf of clients in the general modules, the study programs also introduced practical projects in the specialization modules as of summer semester 2020. Assignments on digitally supported corporate controlling, realistic case studies involving family-run businesses, analyzing the status quo or developing new corporate strategies for established enterprises help students put what they have learned into practice.

Conditions remained difficult in 2021 due to the pandemic, but lecturers and students alike responded with creativity, dedication, innovative teaching concepts and exam settings. In doing so, they demonstrated the solution-oriented approach that is such a strong feature of our study programs. Some of these new elements could be described as “having come to stay.”

In addition to a greater emphasis on promoting aspects of responsible management in classroom teaching, the focus has now also been placed on sustainability in the Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. The increasing number of students choosing to focus on these issues is also no doubt attributable to the competitive nature of the SDG Day Awards for the best work on sustainability topics.

Manfred Schieber, M.A., MBA, MSc
Head of Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs

What makes studying for a Master’s in Executive Management so special is the fact that it has an interdisciplinary focus that gives the students a sound understanding of various corporate processes. Projects as part of teaching and lectures held by well-known entrepreneurs and faculty members promote networking between students and real-life managers. This allows them to expand their networks with interesting contacts while they’re still studying.

Patrick Batka, BA, MA
Financial Sales & Development Analyst, FITINN Sportstudio Group
Bachelor’s and Master’s Graduate
Lecturer on the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs

Marketing & Sales Management

International Accreditation for Two Study Programs

The Bachelor’s program in Marketing & Sales and the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management both received the quality seal “IAA-Approved“ from the International Advertising Association (IAA) for the high quality of education they offer. In addition, cooperation with the IAA was deepened with new offers for students.

The Web Analytics Lab has expanded its capacities with two fully-equipped devices for eye-tracking, galvanic skin response measurement and face recognition. The use of these devices in biometric sales coaching has now been officially recognized by the international scientific community with a paper in the Journal of Selling. David Bourdin presented the results of his research on brand perception and country stereotypes in the Journal of Business Research. He was also invited to talk about his work at the conference of the American Marketing Association (AMA).

In his sales keynote in November, Jayesh Controllu, Vice President – Client Engagement Executive at Intellect Design Arena Ltd., provided in-depth insights into Key Account Management in the fin-tech industry. The series of articles on “Search Marketing“ shed light on SEO, SEA and the like.

Despite the online format, the practical projects with Wienerberger AG and Schönbrunn Zoo were completed successfully. This was down to the high level of flexibility and dedication on part of the students, teaching staff and clients. 2021 also saw the beginning of the practical project with the BUWOG Group GmbH, which commissioned students on the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management to carry out a website analysis using the Web Analytics Lab. Master’s student Tarik Juhic was awarded an excellent second place in the European Sales Competition. And for the first time, Marina Prem took part in the competition not just as a sales coach but as a member of the jury. Mag.a Sieglinde Martin
Head of Department
Department of Communication

As an external lecturer, who deals with digitalization on a daily basis as part of my job, it is a huge pleasure to be able to teach and support the students. What I especially appreciate about FHWien der WKW is the practical relevance of the course content and the spirit of open dialogue at the university. The students are intellectually curious, have a thirst for knowledge and are receptive. Those in positions of responsibility at FHWien der WKW pick up on this and craft a syllabus designed to support this promise. The academic programs with their strong practical focus create a win-win-win situation for students, teachers and business alike.

Karl Maurer, MSc, MA
Head of Program Management at xxxldigital – Part of XXXLutz KG
Lecturer and Master’s Graduate

Real Estate Management

Focus on Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry

In 2021 our research and teaching activities intensified their focus on sustainability in the real estate industry. For example, the requirements of the EU Taxonomy Regulation were incorporated into teaching. The property developers of tomorrow are now required to document environmental, social and governance activities in their daily project work. Although not all relevant requirements are clear yet, we can make a valuable contribution here in discussions with our students and colleagues in the industry.

We therefore want to put the study programs on a broader footing and expand our research activities on sustainability in the real estate industry. In specific terms, this will be done by setting up a chair in circular economy that will be funded by the private sector. Following promising talks with a cooperation partner, we expect to implement these plans in 2022.

Our practice-led research on energy certification in light of EU requirements was completed in 2021 and submitted to the GIF – Society of Property Researchers for review.

The real estate development project carried out by students on our Master’s program produced imaginative presentations that took sustainability criteria into account and not just architecture, the interests of the users and profitability. The property owner was very pleased with the concepts that were developed.

The Master’s theses also explored the topics of sustainability and digitalization, e.g., the tokenization of real estate.

In the field of urban development, changes in urban areas are impacting communication between residents, commerce and the townscape. These trends were discussed at the Illmitzer Gespräche. The expectations investors have in this regard were the topic of the panel discussion hosted by Regioplan.

After a delay due to corona, a Master’s student was able to spend two months in Brussels with our cooperation partner CEPI and complete an internship supported by Erasmus and the industry.

Dr. Klemens Braunisch, MRICS
Head of Real Estate Management Study Programs

Even though I had already established my own individual enterprise, I decided to enroll on the Bachelor’s study program in Real Estate at FHWien der WKW as a part-time student. The lectures with their strong practical focus and the countless contacts I have made among lecturers, mentors and fellow students have opened up an amazing number of new opportunities for me. My personal network has grown enormously – proving very beneficial to my professional career, too.

Michael Klinger, BA
Owner of Klinger Immobilien e.U.

Tourism & Hospitality Management

#rethinkingtourism continued …

The assessment that 2020 and 2021 would prove to be fateful years for tourism has proved to be true. At the same time, the realization is dawning that the pandemic, unlike other crises of the past decades, will lead to lasting change in the tourism industry. There are signs of a rethink towards more responsible tourism – tourism that does not prioritize the needs of the guests over the desire of local populations for an intact living space. We are taking up this challenge.

After intensive preparations, the Master’s program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management started in 2021. Students from 15 nations are preparing for the urban tourism of the future. They will be in a position to support the imminent transformation of the tourism industry in an expert capacity.

Happily, we were able to experience a little internationality again in 2021: Claudia Szivatz-Spatt and Daniela Wagner joined forces with Heilbronn University to implement a COIL project (COIL stands for Collaborative Online International Learning). The same student cohort was also able to go on the International Field Trip to Italy. True to the motto of Cuisine & Sustainability, 14 Master’s students spent a week in the Italian regions of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.

The excellent performance of our students in the Best Meeting Thesis competition organized by the Austrian Convention Bureau has become something of a tradition. In 2021 our study programs boasted two proud winners. Nabila Ashri won a prize for her Master’s thesis and Melanie Hutterer for her Bachelor’s thesis. Two of our valued colleagues, Klaus Fritz and Jürgen Weiß, received FHWien der WKW’s teaching prize in the category “Sustainable Development Goals in Teaching“. They had integrated the Sustainable Development Goals into the course “Tourism Macroeconomics” in an exemplary fashion.

Dr. Florian Aubke
Head of Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs

Tourism is one of the sectors in the world economy that has been hardest hit by the corona crisis. While in the past urban tourism was the main growth driver, for a variety of reasons it will not be possible to simply return to the “old normal” even after COVID-19.

This new Master’s program conveys the exciting possibilities that exist to rethink the sustainable development of urban tourism. Because in the future, it will become increasingly important to balance the wishes and interests of visitors and local populations. Against this background, destination development takes on a new meaning that takes much more into consideration than does an approach focused purely on tourism.

During the study program students are able to test and apply what they have learned in theory and practice as together they develop a vision for the future of urban tourism!

Dr. Petra Stolba
Former Managing Director of the Austrian National Tourist Office
Lecturer on the Master’s Program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management

Photo: Petra Stolba

Center for Academic Continuing Education

Getting Academic Continuing Education Fit for the Future

In 2021, the second year that was dominated by COVID-19, FHWien der WKW not only continued its academic continuing education programs in the usual high quality, the university of applied sciences also used the prevailing dynamics to prepare a “Year of Innovations 2022“. In the area of Academic Continuing Education some 800 students were enrolled in 15 different programs. To date almost 1,900 students have completed one of these programs at FHWien der WKW.

A strategy for integrating changing market needs into product development was drawn up. The Business Plan 2025 serves as a binding steering and communication tool. It optimally prepares the academic continuing education programs of FHWien der WKW for the future and is the basis for building on the success achieved to date.

The amendment of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act in 2021 necessitated a reorganization of the continuing education programs. FHWien der WKW seized the opportunity afforded by this far-reaching amendment and developed the Master (CE) in International Sustainability Communication in accordance with the new regulations. In addition, we expanded our portfolio with the one-year program IT and Management focusing on technology and digitalization.

The successful establishment of the focus Sustainable Finance Management in 2021 laid the foundation for further program developments.

To strengthen the positioning of our continuing education programs, we adopted a completely new approach and established a new brand. Preparations were made for the transition from the Center for Academic Continuing Education to the new Vienna Management Academy by FHWien der WKW, and a logo was developed that is consistent with the umbrella brand. The claim “From good to great” highlights continuing development, the importance of university degrees as career boosters and the added value theoretical knowledge gives to practical experience.

DI Wolfgang Vrzal, MBA
Head of Vienna Management Academy
Head of Center for Academic Continuing Education (until January 2022)

The compact MBA program of FHWien der WKW enabled me to learn leadership and management strategies as well as methods of corporate communication. The unforgettable time I had while studying abroad at a partner university, a number of outstanding teachers, and especially the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with ambitious fellow students from different industries and countries was hugely enriching.

Nicole Limpahan, BA, MA, MBA
Graduate of the International MBA in Management & Communications
Recipient of a DOC Fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Romance Studies at the University of Vienna

Photo: Matthias Jaidl


Inside FHWien

Alumni & Career Services

Alumni Services

Alumni Services provide FHWien der WKW graduates with a platform so they can stay connected with former fellow students and lecturers, keep up with what is going on at their university of applied sciences and use parts of FHWien der WKW’s infrastructure. An annual highlight is the Alumni Award, which in 2021 was presented in two categories for the first time. The CFO and Member of the Management Board of Frequentis AG, Peter Skerlan was voted Alumnus of the Year in the category “Professional Achievements.” The winner in the “Shaping the Future” category was Maximilian Unger, Head of Corporate Innovation and Partner at the innovation agency TheVentury.

The graduates reflect the diversity of the careers that are possible with a degree from FHWien der WKW. In the online event series “Alumni Talk”, graduates take center stage every month to share their experiences with students and other alumni. By the end of 2021, around 600 people had already visited the “Alumni Talks”.

Career Services

Career Services offer students and alumni support for their career planning. The annual Career Day, for instance, provides an opportunity for students and graduates to meet representatives of renowned companies face-to-face. In 2021, the event went online again with 28 exhibitors and just as many company presentations plus 340 initial interviews with recruiters. Other important resources provided by Career Services include the online job platform “Career Center” launched in April 2019 and that already has 2,200 users, as well as events on careers and job applications.

Corporate Partnerships

Alumni & Career Services maintain direct contact with recruiters from leading Austrian firms and with graduates who hold positions in business. Activities include setting up cooperation agreements as well as organizing specific measures such as events and communication in cooperation with partner enterprises.

Gender & Diversity

Enabling Family-Friendly Study and Working Conditions

Every three years, FHWien der WKW undergoes the University and Family audit “hochschuleundfamilie.”  This offers higher education institutions an effective instrument for making university life more family-friendly. As a university of applied sciences that has already successfully completed this process several times in the past, FHWien der WKW has been entitled to use the state seal of quality “hochschulundfamilie” since 2012.

In 2021 it was time to undergo the audit once more. The third recertification process was preceded by a strategy workshop with FHWien der WKW’s management in April. This was followed in May by a workshop lasting several hours with members of the teaching and administrative staff, managers and student representatives during which the new performance agreement was drawn up. For the first time, the workshop was held in a purely digital setting. Thanks to professional guidance and the combined experience of the participants with digital, interactive working, there was nothing to stand in the way of brainstorming new ideas and then efficiently developing new measures.

Work focused on drawing up targets that can be achieved within the organization on a sustainable basis and which take into account the diversity of FHWien der WKW’s employees and students.

Planned measures include:

  • Support for students with children in completing a study-abroad semester
  • Expansion of online teaching
  • Lecturers who need it will be provided with rooms for online teaching.
  • Development of a flexible home office solution for the time after corona

The final assessment interviews by the TÜV expert also took place online. We are delighted that FHWien der WKW was again awarded the “Audit hochschuleundfamilie” certificate in December 2021.

Birgit Lang
Mag.a Mag.a Birgit Lang
Academic Board Gender & Diversity

Internationalization at FHWien der WKW

Despite the second year of the corona pandemic, FHWien der WKW continued to systematically pursue its internationalization strategy which is based on the three pillars of international mobility, cooperation and the internationalization of teaching.

Whereas staff mobility ground to a halt due to the global situation, there was nonetheless a lively exchange of students. Although we had suspended the requirement to spend a semester abroad, we had 117 outgoing and 151 incoming students in the winter semester 2021/22. These high figures almost rival the record numbers of the 2019/20 academic year.

Collaboration with our partner universities was intensified in the spirit of long-term, sustainable cooperation. To satisfy demand from incoming students, the study programs and the Center for International Education & Mobility (CIEM) broadened the range of English-language courses. CIEM also developed a great deal of expertise so it could advise students in a virtual format, for example with events such as Orientation Week, Q&A sessions and Go International Days.

The year 2021 also saw the launch of the Erasmus+ program for 2021–27. This focuses on diversity and inclusion, environmental protection and digitalization. The new program supports short-term student mobility with blended mobility formats and with grants for disadvantaged learners. In preparation for Erasmus+ 2021–27, FHWien der WKW took important steps to digitalize the administration of the cooperation agreements, payment of the Erasmus+ grants and management of internships abroad.

Barbara Zimmer
Mag.a Barbara Zimmer
Head of Center for International Education & Mobility (CIEM)

Radio Radieschen

New Name

In 2021, FHWien der WKW rebranded its in-house training station, which on March 1 became Radio Radieschen. In keeping with its new claim “Radio to my taste,” students and the editorial team impress listeners with well-researched and exciting content.

New Editors

In March 2021 Johanna Hirzberger, a graduate of the Master’s program in Journalism & New Media, joined the editorial team. Hirzberger can look back on an extremely successful 2021: She was  nominated for the Prix Europa for her outstanding Ö1 feature entitled “Darf‘s ein bisserl weniger sein? Systemerhalterinnen: viel Applaus – wenig Lohn”. She also received the Prelate Leopold Ungar Recognition Prize and the Radio Prize for Adult Education. In addition, she and her team received the project grant Journalism 2021 awarded by Literar Mechana for the radio show “Femality” that she developed.

In November 2021 Carolin Schmid also joined the editorial team. She is responsible for the programs “Wissenschaftsradio”, “Start Me Up” and “Campus Leben”.

New Pilot Project

In the winter semester 2021/22 Radio Radieschen launched a new specialization module in cooperation with CouchFM, a Humboldt University of Berlin project, and with the Media Innovation Center Babelsberg. With support from our lecturer Sylvia Reim and editor Johanna Hirzberger, five students from Vienna and Berlin, plus editor Carolin Schmid, produced and broadcast two shows in December entitled “City-Mashup – Wien vs. Berlin – leben, wohnen, feiern.”

  • Logo von Radio Radieschen

Teaching & Learning Center

As a cross-program institution, the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) is the point of contact for all didactic questions and supports lecturers and students alike with continuing education and advisory services. It comprises the Writing Center, the Competence Center for E-Learning and a Senior Advisor for Academic Teaching & Learning.

In spring 2021, a new strategy was drawn up for the TLC and the website was relaunched. As well as defining the teams’ responsibilities, the new strategy also formulated goals for joint development. The TLC operates in three areas:

  • Didactic training and continuing education
  • E-learning, technical support & infrastructure
  • Research, innovation & knowledge hub

As the year progressed, the Teaching & Learning Center focused above all on developing and expanding asynchronous continuing education options. The highlights were:

  • The free online course “Wissenschaftliches Schreiben Schritt für Schritt” that is available on the iMooX platform and open to the public was created with funding from the fnma. With more than 400 participants, the course has proved extremely popular.
  • The self-study module Teaching 1 was produced in German and English and offers a varied and interesting introduction to the basics of teaching. It is also a prerequisite for the new Professional Academic Teaching certificate.
  • Successful launch of the supervised self-study course “Aktiv statt passiv! Studierende in der Lehre aktivieren” (German and English).
  • In August, a digital content producer (Anastasia Baillie-Spegalskaya) joined the TLC.

Projects funded by the City of Vienna (MA 23):

The Writing Center received project funding from the City of Vienna until the end of 2021.

In its final year, the “Internationalization@home relaunched 3.0” project funded by the City of Vienna was coordinated by the TLC.

  • Logo der Stadt Wien

TeamLife at FHWien der WKW

People from academia and the business world come together at FHWien der WKW to pursue a common goal: to provide our students with an outstanding academic education, and the business world and international community with application-oriented research. Only with the help of wide-ranging expertise can exciting projects be meaningfully translated from theory into practice. The FHWien der WKW team works in three main areas:

  • Teaching: We train the specialists and managers of tomorrow with business-focused and practice-oriented higher education.
  • Research: We carry out application-oriented research for real-world use and engage in interdisciplinary and international cooperation.
  • Administration: We actively contribute to the smooth running of our university of applied sciences.

Diverse, engaging and meaningful – emerging from an intensive discussion that has been ongoing over the past few years, these values symbolize the work we perform at FHWien der WKW. We identify with them. They drive us, motivate us, and bind us together. Together they make up our shared values:

  • Diverse
    We are open to innovation and promote new ways of thinking and acting. The people who work here have wide-ranging skills and life experience. We see this diversity as one of our special strengths. We are family-friendly and enjoy working in multicultural teams. Trust, respect and appreciation in our dealings with one another are of paramount importance.
  • Engaging
    We want to help shape the future that constantly throws up new tasks and challenges for us. We appreciate the varied nature of our work at a modern university that maintains a close dialog with business. It is especially important to us that teaching is guided by research and real-world practice and is always at the cutting edge.
  • Meaningful
    Working in education is more than just a job for us. We supply business and the sciences with valuable impulses and develop answers to the burning questions of the day. And we always look to the future. With immense dedication, we support our students as they acquire the knowledge and skills they need for their professional lives.

Our values do not just exist on paper – we constantly take measures to bring them to life. Management plays an important role in this: several years ago, all university managers were invited to a workshop to draw up our “Values-based leadership diploma” – these principles represent an essential basis for a healthy leadership culture at FHWien der WKW and are an agreement between all managers and their staff.

Another important role model is the VIS-Zack Team. This is a team of brand ambassadors from all areas of our university of applied sciences who provide management with regular feedback and develop measures to make our values visible to others.

We at FHWien der WKW seek to create an environment that allows and encourages open communication – for example, through regular feedback meetings, discussion rounds with the management and the so-called postcards to the management. Ideas that cannot be implemented within the individual departments, but which could benefit the university as a whole are collected, evaluated on a yearly basis and implemented as needed.

We have set ourselves the goal of promoting the health of all employees. In the fall of 2019, we founded the TeamLife Healthy & Fit project and committed ourselves to the BGF Charter. In doing so, we document our commitment to the principles of a healthy company. We carry out the project in cooperation with the Austrian Health Insurance Fund.

Our staff events in a wide variety of formats also encourage networking across departments and provide a forum for open exchange. All these activities take place under the name Team Life. The following video provides insights into Team Life at FHWien der WKW.

  • TeamLife-Logo

Staying on Course for Success

For the second time, we are looking back on a year in which life at FHWien der WKW was dominated by corona. The pandemic severely curtailed our ability to offer our students classes on campus and even though digital teaching formats are now familiar, the situation was nevertheless a challenge for students and teachers alike.

City tourism has, of course, been massively affected by the travel restrictions imposed because of corona. But it is only a matter of time until it recovers. It is against this backdrop that in fall 2021, FHWien der WKW launched its new Master’s program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management. With its focus on sustainable city tourism, the program aims to balance the needs of visitors, the population and the local economy.

In 2021 we advertised another study program for the first time: the Master’s program in Digital Innovation Engineering will be our second study program with a focus on IT and is scheduled to begin in fall 2022. The new program is our response to the strong demand from companies for skilled workers and managers at the interface of technology and business.

We have also intensified our research activities in the field of digitalization and founded a new research institute, the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy, or IDS for short. Together with well-known partners from business and higher education, the institute explores the challenges companies face because of the digital transformation.

That universities of applied sciences are important actors in the Austrian research landscape became clear at the 14th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences in April 2021. The conference was organized by FHWien der WKW and held online due to corona. It illustrated the wide range of scientific projects at universities of applied sciences on the topic of sustainability.

In 2021 the recertification of FHWien der WKW’s internal quality management system gave us cause for celebration. A group of independent auditors unconditionally certified the quality assurance system for a further seven years.

I would like to thank the team at FHWien der WKW and our lecturers for their dedication and hard work. It is thanks to them that our university of applied sciences has continued to chart a successful course in these extraordinary times.

Porträtfoto von Michael Heritsch

Ing. Mag. (FH) Michael Heritsch, MSc
Chief Executive Officer
FHWien der WKW


Looking to the Future – Despite Corona

In 2021 the digital space remained the primary setting for teaching and study. After a summer semester in which all courses were held in a distance learning format, the winter semester got off to a promising start with the return of classroom-based teaching. After three semesters in online mode, students and lecturers were delighted to be able to meet and exchange ideas in person again, observing elaborate hygiene and conduct rules. It was with a heavy heart therefore that we switched back to distance learning in November. This time, however, the FHWien der WKW campus remained open. Students were able to use the library, the learning zones and the IT resources.

As work progressed on numerous projects, it became even clearer that, despite all the restrictions, our university of applied sciences is an important center of knowledge exchange and intellectual and personal development. In this context, one of the most important projects was the reform of the curricula. The aim is to update all curricula in such a way that students are optimally prepared for the challenges of the future. Key aspects of this reform concern the digital transformation and sustainability. In future, both topics will be embedded even more deeply into the curricula which come into force in the 2023/24 academic year.

Sustainability was also an ever-present topic of FHWien der WKW’s activities in 2021. For example, we held our first-ever SDG Day. Under the motto “Be smart. Act responsibly” the program revolved around the United Nation’s twelfth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 12) Sustainable Consumption and Production. Students, teaching staff and business partners took the opportunity to learn about FHWien der WKW’s SDG projects and activities, to present good-practice examples and to share their ideas and experiences in the spirit of Networking for Sustainability.

A highlight of the first SDG Day was the presentation of the Sustainability Awards for the best Bachelor’s and the best Master’s theses. The program also highlighted in-house activities such as sustainable giveaways and environmentally friendly business travel as well as student projects on sustainability.

The Innovative Teaching Awards 2021 were also presented online. The awards were presented in two categories: firstly, for individual innovative elements and secondly for exemplary integration of the SDGs in teaching.

Beate Huber

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Beate Huber
Chair of the Academic Board
FHWien der WKW


Business Orientation and Practical Relevance as Factors for Success

Among the many benefits of locating a business in Vienna, one stands out as especially significant for economic success: the availability of highly trained workers and management personnel. For more than 27 years, FHWien der WKW has been making a key contribution here. With real-world oriented curricula, its study programs are precisely tailored to meet industry demand. The university’s graduates are highly sought-after on the job market and many of them reach the top of their profession.

Lecturers with a Business Background

FHWien der WKW has established itself as a leading university of applied sciences for management and communication and decisively shapes Vienna’s educational landscape. As proud owners, the Vienna Economic Chamber and the Vienna Business Fund (Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft) have been committed to FHWien der WKW’s mission from the start, thus supporting Austrian research and teaching in the field of economics.

Two-thirds of the lecturers at FHWien der WKW come from a business background. As experts and managers, they have gained a wealth of valuable experience that they pass on to students in their teaching. Practical projects carried out on behalf of corporate partners enable students to forge contacts in the business world. During these projects, they develop solutions for specific tasks and acquire application-oriented knowledge that gives them a head start when they enter the workforce.

Focus on Sustainability and Digitalization

In its teaching and research, FHWien der WKW addresses issues that are important for businesses. These include endeavors for social and ecological sustainability. Entrepreneurial action always involves responsibility to society and the environment. The digital transformation is a second megatrend. FHWien der WKW gives its students an understanding of how this trend is changing business models and the opportunities it opens up. Sustainability and digitalization also form a key research focus. FHWien der WKW cooperates closely with companies and supports the transfer of research results to them.

Combining Work and Study

The Vienna Economic Chamber and Vienna Business Fund see it as a priority to provide academic training that is geared to the needs of working students. FHWien der WKW therefore offers many Bachelor’s programs and all Master’s programs as well as academic continuing education programs in part-time formats. This allows full-time workers to achieve their aspiration of further education and career development.

Walter Ruck

DI Walter Ruck
Wirtschaftskammer Wien

© Christian Skalnik
Meinhard Eckl

Mag. Meinhard Eckl
Wirtschaftskammer Wien

Helmut Schramm

KommR Helmut Schramm
Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft

© Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft
Martin Göbel

Mag. Martin Göbel
Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft

© Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft

As a university of applied sciences with close ties to business, we offer our students practical training and continuing education in management and communication. We equip our students with applied knowledge at the cutting edge of research and entrepreneurial practice.

Through a broad spectrum of part-time study programs, we enable students to combine their studies with career and family. In this way, we take into account the situation of working people.

When introducing new study programs, we always pay attention to companies needs. We further develop existing study programs so that they meet the changing requirements of companies. Thanks to our close proximity to the business world, we offer our students excellent career prospects at home and abroad.

At the same time, we contribute to strengthening Vienna as a business location, for whose success highly qualified employees and managers are central: Domestic companies find in our graduates the highly qualified specialists and managers they need to be successful on the globalized market.

In the field of science, we focus on practical research and development, the results of which directly benefit companies.

We are Austria’s leading provider of university of applied sciences study programs and continuing education programs for management and communication, increasingly also at the interface of digital technology and business. According to the principle of lifelong learning, we design academic education actively, flexibly and and in a future-oriented way.

In research, we are internationally visible in special topics and recognized for our excellence. To this end, we work closely with renowned partners in international projects.


We are open to innovation and promote new ways of thinking and acting. The people who work here have wide-ranging skills and life experiences. We see this diversity as one of our particular strengths. We are family-friendly and enjoy working in multicultural teams. Trust, respect and appreciation in our dealings with one another are of paramount importance.


We want to help shape the future that constantly throws up new tasks and challenges for us. We appreciate the varied nature of our work at a modern university of applied sciences that maintains a close dialog with business. It is especially important to us that teaching is guided by research and real-world practice and is always at the cutting edge.


Working in education is more than just a job for us. We supply business and the sciences with valuable impulses and develop answers to pressing issues. And we always look to the future. With immense dedication we support our students as they acquire the knowledge and skills they need for their professional lives.

... is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management & communication.

... stands for practice-oriented higher education and a close proximity to business.

... connects business and science.

... focuses on practical, excellent and research-based cutting edge teaching and didactics.

... provides Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs as well as continuing education programs, many of which are offered on a part-time basis and are tailor-made for working people.

... cooperates successfully with Austria’s leading companies especially in research and development.

... cooperates with national and international research institutions and transfers research results into teaching.

... provides its students, lecturers and staff with experience in an international environment.

... offers its graduates the best career prospects in business.

... promotes competent and intrinsically motivated employees who contribute their diverse personal and professional experience.

Bachelor’s study programs
Master’s study programs
Continuing education programs


Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs
  • Male
  • Female
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • Full-time
  • Part-time
Students in continuing education programs


Graduates in Master’s study programs in 2021
Graduates in continuing education programs in 2021
Graduates in Bachelor’s study programs in 2021
Graduates in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Diploma study programs in total
Graduates in Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs in 2021
Graduates in continuing education programs in total
Graduates in continuing education programs in 2021

Study programs

Bachelor’s programs
Full-time Bachelor’s students
Part-time Bachelor’s students
Student body in total
Master’s programs
Full-time Master’s students
Part-time Master’s students
Student body in total
Origin of Bachelor’s and Master’s students in 2021
  • Vienna 59.6%
  • Lower Austria 25.5%
  • Burgenland 2.8%
  • Other provinces 8.9%
  • International 3.2%


International university exchange programs
Total outgoing students in 2021
Total incoming students in 2021

Faculty and staff

Faculty and staff in 2021
Part-time lecturers
Lecturers in total
Full-time employees in research and teaching
Full-time employees in management, academic support and administration
Full-time employees in total
  • Lecturers with a business background
  • Management positions, male
  • Management positions, female

Research at FHWien der WKW

As a university of applied sciences, FHWien der WKW generates novel research results which it transfers into practice-oriented knowledge for business and society. Since 2021, research at FHWien der WKW has been based at two institutes. The main areas of research are responsibility and sustainability, digitalization and digital transformation as well as strategic management.

Whereas the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) focuses on business ethics and sustainability management, the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDS), which was founded in 2021, focuses its research activities on analyzing and solving complex problems in the organization of digital transformation processes.

In addition, input and questions from companies and other organizations are also addressed by the individual study programs. Practice-oriented solutions for these questions and methodologically sound findings are developed in research projects.

Research Highlights in 2021

  • Launch of the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS)
  • The 14th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (April 7–8, 2021) was held as an online conference
  • Restructuring of the Research Department in the areas of Research Service Coordination and Communications
Walter Mayrhofer

Dr. Walter Mayrhofer
Head of Research

Maria Schallar

Mag.a Maria Schallar, BSc
Research Service Coordinator

Christoph Tautscher

Christoph Tautscher, MSc
Coordinator Marketing Communications


Fresh Momentum for Research

Despite the corona crisis, the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) was able to establish itself in 2021 as a leading national and internationally renowned research center in the fields of business ethics and strategy. Its principal areas of research are business ethics, corporate governance, strategy & competitiveness, and sustainability management. The head of the institute, Markus Scholz and his team contribute to a responsible and sustainable transformation of corporate practice with their work.

Highlights in 2021

Successful First Year at the JR Center CARe

The Josef Ressel Center for Collective Action and Responsible Partnerships (JR Center CARe) founded in 2020 explores why and how companies collaborate to jointly address sustainability issues. In its first year of existence, the team led by Markus Scholz was very busy indeed, producing three international conference papers, a book chapter, a practical study and two articles in leading international journals.

Flying Start for the City of Vienna Competence Team

The City of Vienna Competence Team for Corporate Sustainability (funded by MA 23) began work at the beginning of 2021 with the project Transformation for Sustainability led by Daniela Ortiz. The central question is how Austrian companies can develop the strategic change competencies required for transformation towards sustainability. The first research results have already been presented at an international conference. In addition to its teaching activities and a practical study, the team also helped organize the Network for Business Sustainability.

Project partners

  • Logo von Hofer
  • Logo von Kallco
  • Logo von Manner
  • Logo Simacek
  • Logo von Ulreich Bauträger GmbH
  • Logo von Berndorf
  • Logo von Blaguss
  • Logo von Kapsch
  • Logo der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Markus Scholz

FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, MSc
Head of Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES)


Digital Transformation for Business Practice

In spring 2021, the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) was founded. This new research institute addresses the design challenges of the digital transformation and relevant strategies from diverse perspectives.

In society and the economy, new digital technologies create opportunities for innovation and start-ups. Yet they also generate considerable pressure for change in established organizations. To design the necessary change processes successfully, IDS examines the impact of the digital transformation from a wide range of perspectives (technology, management, organization). Integrating these research perspectives enables comprehensive solutions for digital transformation focusing in particular on the interaction of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, and the Internet of Things with specific processes, organizations and business models.

Highlights at the IDS in 2021

  • Cooperation project with TU Vienna within the framework of the industry forum “Made in Austria: Production Work in Austria.”
  • Launch of the DigiPharmaLogNet project, an FFG COIN Network program
  • Successful funding application for the research project “Designing organizational ambidexterity in SMEs to successfully manage the digital transformation” sponsored by MA 23 of the City of Vienna
  • The publication “Digitalisierung und Informationsaustausch in Wertschöpfungsketten: eine strategische Betrachtung” by Clemens Löffler, published in the European Accounting Review
  • Publication “Aktienkursreaktionen auf Downsizing-Ankündigungen oder wie der Kapitalmarkt die Legitimität von Managemententscheidungen beurteilt” by Ann-Christine Schulz (together with Alexander Himme, Kuehne Logistics University Hamburg), published in the Socio-Economic Review
Ann-Christine Schulz Ann-Christine Schulz
Research Coordinator
Strategy Coordinator

Clemens Löffler

DI Dr. Clemens Löffler
Senior Researcher
