Tradition and Innovation
For FHWien der WKW, the year 2023 was all about growth and embarking on new paths. One profound change came as early as January. This was when our university of applied sciences took over the Hernstein Institute for Management and Leadership. For more than 50 years, the Institute has taught leadership and management skills and accompanied executives and businesses on the path to success. Hernstein is thus a perfect fit for our university’s focus on management and communication.
Our oldest study program – namely, Tourism Management – proved its forward-looking approach with an innovation in the year under review: Since fall 2023, the Bachelor’s program in Tourism Management has also been conducted in a dual format. This is the first dual study program at FHWien der WKW. Once they have finished the course, alumni will have a degree under their belt as well as two years of relevant work experience.
Our youngest department – Digital Economy – also presented an innovation: the Master’s program in Digital Technology & Innovation. This technical-interdisciplinary program is scheduled to begin in fall 2024. 60 percent of the teaching will take place online. It will equip students with technical expertise and prepare them to manage innovation projects.
We have also expanded business-oriented research activities at FHWien der WKW by setting up two endowed professorships. In early June, Anna-Vera Deinhammer took over the professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development sponsored by a consortium of four corporate donors. The second endowed professorship addresses Sustainable Urban and Tourism Development and is funded by the Vienna Economic Chamber. Cornelia Dlabaja took over the professorship in early August 2023.
Our portfolio of continuing education programs has also been expanded: The part-time Bachelor’s program in Insurance Management began for the first time in fall 2023. It combines law, economics and insurance and was developed in cooperation with renowned insurance companies. Additional courses have also been designed and will broaden the portfolio at a later date.
I would like to thank our teaching, research and administrative staff for their dedication. They provide our students with a first-class education, address issues in their research that move our society and economy and ensure that university operations run smoothly. Together, it is they who make the continuing success and positive development of FHWien der WKW possible in the first place.

Ing. Mag. (FH) Michael Heritsch, MSc
Chief Executive Officer
FHWien der WKW