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Insurance as an attractive employer

September 23, 2020

In a practical project with Helvetia, Master’s students examine the key features of an attractive employer brand. The kick-off took place live and on site in mid-September. […]Read more on Insurance as an attractive employer

New impulses for tomorrow’s Human Resources Management

July 7, 2020

What will applications be like in the future? And which marketing tools can strengthen an employer brand on the World Wide Web? These and other questions were addressed to students of the Bachelor's degree program in Human Resources Management. […]Read more on New impulses for tomorrow’s Human Resources Management

Organization Laboratory goes Minecraft

June 8, 2020

An experience report on virtual teaching at FHWien der WKW Forced by the Covid-19 restrictions, we adapted an organizational laboratory for a virtual environment. How can organizational dynamics on different levels (structure, culture, processes, relationships) be experienced and explored online? An interview by Christina Schweiger (CS) with Barbara Kump (BK) and Joachim Schwendenwein (JS), external […]Read more on Organization Laboratory goes Minecraft

Crowning conclusion of the HR Management course with excellent guest lectures

May 19, 2020

As every year, a series of guest lectures with selected experts from the field took place in the elective subject HR Management. This time in virtual form. The participation and also the exchange were great, our students were enthusiastic! […]Read more on Crowning conclusion of the HR Management course with excellent guest lectures

Successful start of the practical project with HiPP

March 10, 2020

"Employer Branding and Recruiting with Online Marketing Tools" in the focus of our students from the Human Resources Management course […]Read more on Successful start of the practical project with HiPP

What does the application of the future look like?

March 2, 2020

Every year in the summer semester, the popular HR business field projects start in the Bachelor’s degree program in HR Management. This gives students the opportunity to apply and expand their previously acquired knowledge with concrete practical tasks. Through a cooperation with “hokify – the mobile job platform”, the focus this time is on the […]Read more on What does the application of the future look like?

International Human Resources Management in theory and practice

February 27, 2020

How can “International HRM” be taught and learned in a gainful way? The answer provides a successful cooperation between “FHWien der WKW” and “The Hague University of Applied Sciences”. In the past semester, students from the Netherlands worked together with students from the programs “Human Resources & Organization” and “Management & Entrepreneurship” on practice-oriented case […]Read more on International Human Resources Management in theory and practice

Successful completion of our practice project with Caritas Steiermark

December 17, 2019

Intensive research, comprehensive analyses, numerous interviews and creative methods led our students of the Master's program in Organizational and Personnel Development to valuable results and impressive concepts around employer branding and onboarding. […]Read more on Successful completion of our practice project with Caritas Steiermark

Well attended: Course series “Current Topics in Human Resources Management”

December 10, 2019

Which innovations are there in apprenticeship training? How can "New Work" work in everyday life? How will the labour market develop in the upcoming years? What possibilities do companies have to react to bad employer ratings? These and many other questions were investigated and discussed by and with our experts from business in our course series "Current Topics" in the… […]Read more on Well attended: Course series “Current Topics in Human Resources Management”

International Week: Vienna meets Lille

December 2, 2019

At the International Week of the ISTC in Lille, France, Christine Güttel taught International Human Resource Management. The target of the program was to intensify Internationalization@home and expand university cooperations. […]Read more on International Week: Vienna meets Lille