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Human Rights Responsibility of Businesses in China – Podcast with Alicia Hennig

July 13, 2022

Especially the region of Xinjiang in the northwest of the P.R. China is known for systematic human rights violations. Alicia Hennig from the International University Institute Zittau (TU Dresden) talked about her current research and her personal approach to this topic with Radio Radieschen. […]Read more on Human Rights Responsibility of Businesses in China – Podcast with Alicia Hennig

IBES Alumni Story: Daniela Frühauf

June 29, 2022

Daniela Frühauf, a graduate of the Master’s program in Executive Management, wrote her Master’s thesis on the subject of collaborations for the social good at the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) under the supervision of Maria Riegler. Determination, passion and perseverance were essential for her in the process of writing the thesis. IBES spoke to Daniela Frühauf,… […]Read more on IBES Alumni Story: Daniela Frühauf

Change in the corporate socio-political positioning – Interview with Markus Scholz.

June 15, 2022

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz spoke with the German Donors' Association about the political responsibility of companies and categorizes this new phenomenon based on current examples. […]Read more on Change in the corporate socio-political positioning – Interview with Markus Scholz.

Rethinking Political Responsibility of Business A review of the 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC).

June 3, 2022

From May 5-7, 2022, the Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy (IBES) of FHWien der WKW invited leading global business ethicists from North America and Europe to Vienna to discuss the topic: “Revisiting the Political Responsibility of Business”. […]Read more on Rethinking Political Responsibility of Business A review of the 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC).

“Understand, Mediate, Defend” A wrap-up of the panel discussion “Society & Emotion: What do we learn from current crises?”

June 3, 2022

In permanent crisis mode, how do we react to events that can be interpreted in amazingly different ways through Fake News? On May 10, 2022, political scientist Mag. Natascha Strobl discussed this question with the two business ethicists Prof. Thomas Beschorner and FH-Prof. Markus Scholz. Dr. Daniela Ortiz moderated the event, hosted by the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable… […]Read more on “Understand, Mediate, Defend” A wrap-up of the panel discussion “Society & Emotion: What do we learn from current crises?”

11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC)

May 3, 2022

The Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien der WKW will host a high-level conference on “Revisiting the Political Responsibility of Business” in Vienna from May 5-7, 2022. […]Read more on 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC)

Pushing Climate Neutrality in Businesses: Interview with Prof. Jonatan Pinkse

March 29, 2022

Business activity is a major source of global carbon emissions. But how can we push businesses to deliver on the climate neutral (net-zero) agenda when their bottom line is at stake? That is what we asked Prof. Jonatan Pinkse in an interview with radio station Radio Radieschen. Last Thursday we had the pleasure to welcome […]Read more on Pushing Climate Neutrality in Businesses: Interview with Prof. Jonatan Pinkse

Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche

March 8, 2022

Tesla founder Elon Musk supports Ukraine with his satellite internet. He is acting politically. Morally, that may be right. But his actions are not legitimate. It is furthermore extremely dangerous. In his op-de article in the newspaper Wirtschaftswoche, Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Head of Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES), analyzes the support […]Read more on Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche

Companies in the area of tension between sporting events and ethical issues: Markus Scholz on the 2022 World Cup in Doha

March 7, 2022

The 2022 World Cup in Doha will follow the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Once again, human rights are at stake. Is the red card for Qatar and consorts indicated? The business ethicist FH Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz thinks: Yes. Standard Forschung Spezial spoke with Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Head of Institute for Business Ethics & […]Read more on Companies in the area of tension between sporting events and ethical issues: Markus Scholz on the 2022 World Cup in Doha