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Markus Scholz as guest editor of the special issue Review of Managerial Science

December 16, 2019

Dr. Markus Scholz (Head of Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics) was guest editor of a special issue of “Review of Managerial Science”. The special issue is dedicated to the topic of third-party funding of universities. The introduction to the special edition, written by Matthias Fink (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Isabella Hatak (University of […]Read more on Markus Scholz as guest editor of the special issue Review of Managerial Science

Business and Human Rights

December 3, 2019

Business and human rights: How can companies deal with countries that do not have sufficient human rights protections in place? One year after the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi in a Saudi embassy, Markus Scholz (Head of Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics) reflects on corporate reactions to this case and discusses how corporations […]Read more on Business and Human Rights

Bringing the sustainable development goals to life

November 21, 2019

This theme is supporting FHWien der WKW’s efforts to implement the United Nations SDGs into the curricula. “As a university of applied sciences for management and communication, we recognize the importance of the SDGs in the training of future managers,” says Beater Huber, Head of Department and Chair of the Academic Board at FHWien der […]Read more on Bringing the sustainable development goals to life

Advisory boards: Unused opportunities for Austrian SMEs – Article in “Aufsichtsrat aktuell”

November 7, 2019

Although properly designed advisory boards offer an opportunity to make a positive contribution to the success of a company, they are still not very present in the Austrian SME sector. Why companies in Austria have nevertheless set up an advisory board, what role it plays and what influence it has on business success, is answered […]Read more on Advisory boards: Unused opportunities for Austrian SMEs – Article in “Aufsichtsrat aktuell”

New publication in leading accounting journal

August 27, 2019

Clemens Löffler recently published an article in the prestigious journal „Management Accounting Research“ on the topic of international transfer pricing. The OECD established its international transfer pricing guidelines to prevent tax avoidance. However, these guidelines constitute an intervention in a multinational’s internal control system as transfer prices also enable coordination in divisionalized firms. The paper […]Read more on New publication in leading accounting journal

Strategic Innovation and Change Capability of SMEs

April 30, 2019

How are changes in companies initiated and implemented in detail? How are resistances dealt with? To answer questions such as these, five small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) took part in a business program run by FHWien der WKW. A workshop at the end of the project provided impulses and offered an arena for the exchange of experience and knowledge. […]Read more on Strategic Innovation and Change Capability of SMEs

New publication by CGBE in globally leading business ethics journal

March 27, 2019

Markus Scholz and his co-authors Gastón de los Reyes (George Washington University) and Craig Smith (INSEAD) have written an article on the potential of the Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT). ISCT was developed by the renowned business ethicists Thomas Donaldson and Thomas Dunfee. In their article, Markus Scholz and his co-authors build upon the work by Donaldson and […]Read more on New publication by CGBE in globally leading business ethics journal

NEW Publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production

March 19, 2019

“The limits of the business case for sustainability: Don’t count on ‘Creating Shared Value’ to extinguish corporate destruction”: The final version of Gaston de los Reyes & Markus Scholz has now been published: Abstract Creating Shared Value (CSV) is arguably the leading approach for articulating the business case for corporate sustainability. This article examines the […]Read more on NEW Publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production

Publication “Beiräte als Chance für Klein- & Mittelunternehmen in Österreich”

February 20, 2019

In the recently published February issue of the journal “Aufsichtsrat aktuell”, an article by Anne Maria Busch, Ann-Christine Schulz and Markus Scholz has been published. The article titled “Beiräte als Chance für Klein- und Mittelunternehmen in Österreich” systematically presents the reasons for setting up an advisory board and highlights opportunities for companies. […]Read more on Publication “Beiräte als Chance für Klein- & Mittelunternehmen in Österreich”

The 5th Strategy Morning at FHWien der WKW on “The Advisory Board as an Opportunity for Companies”

February 18, 2019

What does advisory work currently look like in Austria's small and medium-sized enterprises and how can companies use the advisory board as an opportunity? The results of a recent study on the topic of "Advisory Boards in Austrian SMEs" by Anne Maria Busch, Ann-Christine Schulz and Markus Scholz were presented for the first time and supplemented with insights from practice… […]Read more on The 5th Strategy Morning at FHWien der WKW on “The Advisory Board as an Opportunity for Companies”