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Orgachines?! – Algorithms, AI & Organization at the EGOS Colloquium in Vienna

July 18, 2022

As part of the leading conference on organizational research, researchers from IDS at FHWien der WKW, TU Wien and FU Berlin invited to discuss the question: What impact do algorithms and AI technologies have on decision-making processes in organizations? […]Read more on Orgachines?! – Algorithms, AI & Organization at the EGOS Colloquium in Vienna

Support for companies in the transition to more sustainability

July 14, 2022

Companies are increasingly required to act in a socially and ecologically sustainable manner. The City of Vienna Competence Team “Change for Corporate Sustainability” supports Austrian companies with the research project “Transformation for Sustainability” in their strategic transformation towards sustainability and supports sustainability-oriented innovation. The competence team is funded by the City of Vienna and is based at the Institute for… […]Read more on Support for companies in the transition to more sustainability

Human Rights Responsibility of Businesses in China – Podcast with Alicia Hennig

July 13, 2022

Especially the region of Xinjiang in the northwest of the P.R. China is known for systematic human rights violations. Alicia Hennig from the International University Institute Zittau (TU Dresden) talked about her current research and her personal approach to this topic with Radio Radieschen. […]Read more on Human Rights Responsibility of Businesses in China – Podcast with Alicia Hennig

AMA Global Marketing Conference 2022: “right numbers” in sustainability communication and sales study on emotions

June 22, 2022

The senior researcher team Ilona Pezenka and David Bourdin from the Department of Communication at FHWien der WKW presented their research on empathy and emotions in sales conversations and on framing effects in sustainability communication at the AMA conference in Chania (Crete). […]Read more on AMA Global Marketing Conference 2022: “right numbers” in sustainability communication and sales study on emotions

Faked surveys and the Austrian corruption scandal – Study result on the credibility of survey studies presented

June 21, 2022

Gisela Reiter presented findings on the impact of the corruption scandal and the advertising affair in Austria at the international Protagoras Symposium 2022 in Brussels. […]Read more on Faked surveys and the Austrian corruption scandal – Study result on the credibility of survey studies presented

Change in the corporate socio-political positioning – Interview with Markus Scholz.

June 15, 2022

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz spoke with the German Donors' Association about the political responsibility of companies and categorizes this new phenomenon based on current examples. […]Read more on Change in the corporate socio-political positioning – Interview with Markus Scholz.

How can SMEs become “Fit for the Future”?

June 8, 2022

In early June, the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW presented the study "Fit for the Future? How companies can master the digital transformation". The study was developed within the framework of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MoC) Endowed Chair, which was funded by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW), and presented to an interested audience… […]Read more on How can SMEs become “Fit for the Future”?

Rethinking Political Responsibility of Business A review of the 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC).

June 3, 2022

From May 5-7, 2022, the Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy (IBES) of FHWien der WKW invited leading global business ethicists from North America and Europe to Vienna to discuss the topic: “Revisiting the Political Responsibility of Business”. […]Read more on Rethinking Political Responsibility of Business A review of the 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC).

“Understand, Mediate, Defend” A wrap-up of the panel discussion “Society & Emotion: What do we learn from current crises?”

June 3, 2022

In permanent crisis mode, how do we react to events that can be interpreted in amazingly different ways through Fake News? On May 10, 2022, political scientist Mag. Natascha Strobl discussed this question with the two business ethicists Prof. Thomas Beschorner and FH-Prof. Markus Scholz. Dr. Daniela Ortiz moderated the event, hosted by the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable… […]Read more on “Understand, Mediate, Defend” A wrap-up of the panel discussion “Society & Emotion: What do we learn from current crises?”

What effects does digitalization have on supply chain communication?

May 25, 2022

Dr. Clemens Löffler from the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW shows why "good news" can be expensive for companies and - loosely based on Paul Watzlawick - you cannot "not inform" in added value chains. […]Read more on What effects does digitalization have on supply chain communication?