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How can digital transformation succeed in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?

May 13, 2022

The Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW is increasingly focusing on the question of how companies - especially SMEs - can master digital change. […]Read more on How can digital transformation succeed in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?

11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC)

May 3, 2022

The Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien der WKW will host a high-level conference on “Revisiting the Political Responsibility of Business” in Vienna from May 5-7, 2022. […]Read more on 11th Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC)

Ratio bias: probability of 9:100 instead of 1:10 preferred

April 29, 2022

Many decisions in everyday life are based on numerical information. Larger numbers subjectively suggest a higher value. David Bourdin, Senior Researcher at FHWien der WKW, looks into why an objectively lower chance of winning is often preferred. […]Read more on Ratio bias: probability of 9:100 instead of 1:10 preferred

Generation Z: Finding and retaining digital talents

April 8, 2022

On March 28, 2022, the City of Vienna Competence Team for the Digitalization of Communication of FHWien der WKW provided insights into Generation Z's expectations of the working environment at a joint event with the Austrian Marketing Association (MCÖ). […]Read more on Generation Z: Finding and retaining digital talents

Marketing ethics international: David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Portugal

April 6, 2022

Senior Researcher David Bourdin from the Department of Communication at FHWien of WKW gave guest lectures on marketing ethics in Lisbon and Porto as part of the International Week at Universidade Europeia. […]Read more on Marketing ethics international: David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Portugal

Pushing Climate Neutrality in Businesses: Interview with Prof. Jonatan Pinkse

March 29, 2022

Business activity is a major source of global carbon emissions. But how can we push businesses to deliver on the climate neutral (net-zero) agenda when their bottom line is at stake? That is what we asked Prof. Jonatan Pinkse in an interview with radio station Radio Radieschen. Last Thursday we had the pleasure to welcome […]Read more on Pushing Climate Neutrality in Businesses: Interview with Prof. Jonatan Pinkse

FHWien der WKW is looking for executives for the Industry Panel 2022

March 29, 2022

The Industry Panel “The Future of Production in Austria” of TU Wien is a regular and methodical representation of the status quo and the future expectations of domestic industry. The topics addressed include automation, digitalization, assistance systems and Industry 4.0 in the environment of assembly and production. With the platform “Made in Austria – Production […]Read more on FHWien der WKW is looking for executives for the Industry Panel 2022

Digital assistance systems have not yet moved into the labs

March 17, 2022

A side effect of the digital transformation within work environments is a flood of available information. Triggered by the multiple forms of digital communication and mobile devices, many working people complain about “too much” information from which relevant data has to be filtered. This disrupts the efficiency of work processes, the creativity of employees and […]Read more on Digital assistance systems have not yet moved into the labs

Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche

March 8, 2022

Tesla founder Elon Musk supports Ukraine with his satellite internet. He is acting politically. Morally, that may be right. But his actions are not legitimate. It is furthermore extremely dangerous. In his op-de article in the newspaper Wirtschaftswoche, Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Head of Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES), analyzes the support […]Read more on Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche