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That was the Research Cluster’s eventful fall season!

December 6, 2018

The Research Cluster's fall season was dominated by knowledge transfer: subject-specific lectures, conferences and teaching and training events strengthen the ongoing exchange with our stakeholders and ensure the mutual enrichment of theory and practice. […]Read more on That was the Research Cluster’s eventful fall season!

Federal Minister Dr. Margarete Schramböck at “CGBE meets Politics”

October 22, 2018

On 17th October 2018 Federal Minister Dr. Margarete Schramböck hold a keynote about "Limits of politics and responsiblity of corporations in times of digitalisation, globalisation and disruption". […]Read more on Federal Minister Dr. Margarete Schramböck at “CGBE meets Politics”

Does CEO (over)compensation influence corporate reputation?

October 22, 2018

A recent research article by Ann-Christine Schulz (Competence Center for Strategy & Competitiveness, FHWien der WKW) and her co-author Miriam Flickinger (University Aarhus) was accepted by the Review of Managerial Science. […]Read more on Does CEO (over)compensation influence corporate reputation?

Literature Review of the CR4SME project published in the Journal of Cleaner Production

September 21, 2018

The Literature Review of the CR4SME project, which is funded by the City of Vienna, has already provided the basis for numerous articles on practical issues. Now it has been published in the Journal of Cleaner Production. […]Read more on Literature Review of the CR4SME project published in the Journal of Cleaner Production

CGBE as co-organiser of the EBEN Research Conference on Corruption in Corporations

September 14, 2018

"Corruption and Beyond – Fraudulent Behavior in and of Corporations" was the topic of the conference co-organised by the Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics of the FHWien of the WKW, which took place last week in Vienna. […]Read more on CGBE as co-organiser of the EBEN Research Conference on Corruption in Corporations

Admission to the G-Forum conference

August 21, 2018

Two members of the Competence Center for Strategy & Competitiveness have been asked to make a­ presentation at the G-Forum Conference in Stuttgart in October: Anne Busch will talk about Advisory Boards in SMEs and Christopher Kronenberg about Digitalization in SMEs. Please find further information here […]Read more on Admission to the G-Forum conference

Company workshop on “Responsible Corporate Management”

August 6, 2018

Company owners, managing directors and CSR managers from CR4SME project partner companies met for the first time at FHWien der WKW for a workshop on the topic of responsible corporate management. […]Read more on Company workshop on “Responsible Corporate Management”

CR4SME on Tour: Participation in Conferences and Workshops

July 27, 2018

Daniela Ortiz and Julia Domnanovich recently represented the CR4SME project in Tallinn, Minneapolis and New York. […]Read more on CR4SME on Tour: Participation in Conferences and Workshops