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Strategy and added value of digital transformation

August 21, 2023

At the it&t business Future Talk, Ann-Christine Schulz from the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) discussed the topic with other leading digital experts from science and business. […]Read more on Strategy and added value of digital transformation

Cornelia Dlabaja Appointed Endowed Chair for Sustainable Urban Tourism

August 9, 2023

The sociologist and cultural scientist will conduct research on sustainable and resilient location and tourism development. The professorship is the first in Austria in the field of urban tourism and is sponsored by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW). […]Read more on Cornelia Dlabaja Appointed Endowed Chair for Sustainable Urban Tourism

I know what I think I know

August 1, 2023

In his talk at the World Congress of Sociology in Melbourne (Australia), Marian Adolf, Senior Researcher at the Department of Communication at FHWien der WKW, addressed today's disinformation crisis. […]Read more on I know what I think I know

How customers love brands

July 26, 2023

Customers can develop very personal relationships with brands. Senior Researcher David Bourdin has now developed a robust scale that can be used across countries and studies to measure these customer-brand relationship norms. […]Read more on How customers love brands

Awarded orientation and guidance in uncertain times

July 21, 2023

Gisela Reiter, researcher at FHWien der WKW, received a prestigious science award for a recent study on ethical challenges in communication practice. […]Read more on Awarded orientation and guidance in uncertain times

Study on cultural stereotypes in services improves staff training

July 18, 2023

Negative foreign accents evoke cultural stereotypes in customers. However, targeted personal training can increase customer satisfaction. […]Read more on Study on cultural stereotypes in services improves staff training

Chatbots become emotional

July 12, 2023

At the Business & Entrepreneurial Economics (BEE) Conference in early June, David Dobrowsky, Head of the Bachelor's program in Corporate Communication, presented the results of a study on the impact of emotionalized language on the perceived credibility of chatbots. […]Read more on Chatbots become emotional

Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development at FHWien der WKW

July 4, 2023

Anna-Vera Deinhammer has been researching and teaching at the Real Estate Management study programs since June 1. Her professorship was endowed by TPA Steuerberatung GmbH, BUWOG Group GmbH and LENIKUS Immobilien GmbH. […]Read more on Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development at FHWien der WKW

How meaningful is AI in teaching and exams?

July 3, 2023

At a presentation by our Competence Center for Business English at the 56th IATEFL Annual Conference in Harrogate, UK, the results and findings of an action-based research project with students and teachers from two undergraduate programs were presented. […]Read more on How meaningful is AI in teaching and exams?

Locus of Control influence on Word-of-Mouth

June 29, 2023

At the 21st Eawop Congress, Gerald Kolar from the Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills presented his collaborative study on the influence of locus of control on word-of-mouth. […]Read more on Locus of Control influence on Word-of-Mouth