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FHWien researchers in exchange with Dr. Fortwengel (King’s College London)

June 22, 2023

On June 15, FHWien researchers welcomed Dr. Johann Fortwengel from King's College London for a joint exchange of experiences. In addition, the Reader in International Management presented his current work to an interested audience. […]Read more on FHWien researchers in exchange with Dr. Fortwengel (King’s College London)

Maija Worek and Manfred J. Schieber at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023

June 15, 2023

Maija Worek and Manfred J. Schieber presented and discussed their current research projects with an international audience at the XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference in Ljubljana from June 4-7, 2023. […]Read more on Maija Worek and Manfred J. Schieber at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023

Nils Kruse as a guest-speaker at the Asia-Pacific Conference in Seoul

June 12, 2023

From May 18 to May 21, 2023 Dr. Nils Kruse, Head of Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy, served as a speaker at the Asia-Pacific ESA (The Economic Science Association) Conference in Seoul, Republic of South Korea. […]Read more on Nils Kruse as a guest-speaker at the Asia-Pacific Conference in Seoul

Leaving the beaten path together

June 7, 2023

Things established industrial companies can learn from technology start-ups […]Read more on Leaving the beaten path together

Sustainable company cooperations emerge in the region and in competition

June 2, 2023

Gemeinsame Problemstellungen, regionale Verbundenheit und regulatorischer Druck durch die Gesetzgebung fördern Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen von Unternehmen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine Studie des Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) der FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Sustainable company cooperations emerge in the region and in competition

Global tax policy can limit corporate relocations

June 1, 2023

Clemens Löffler, Senior Researcher at FHWien der WKW, investigated the relationship between different national taxation regimes, intra-company transfer pricing systems and the location choices of multinational corporations together with Michael Kopel from the University of Graz. […]Read more on Global tax policy can limit corporate relocations

A racetrack for sustainable motorsport in Venice

May 26, 2023

Students of FHWien der WKW present the model of an energy self-sufficient racetrack as part of an official "Collateral Event" at the Architecture Biennale 2023. As the only contribution of a German-speaking university in the project "Students as Researchers", the contribution shows how energy can be sustainably generated for motorsport infrastructure. […]Read more on A racetrack for sustainable motorsport in Venice

Study presentation on blurring boundaries in public communication

May 16, 2023

Public relations, journalism, marketing and advertising are increasingly overlapping, often leading to ethical conflicts in everyday communication practice. The research project "Blurring Boundaries. Ethical Challenges in Communication Practice" aims to identify possible coping strategies. Gisela Reiter, Teaching & Research Associate, presented the results of the study at the Austrian Communication Day 2023. […]Read more on Study presentation on blurring boundaries in public communication

Applied research connects business and society

May 12, 2023

Researchers at FHWien der WKW presented current findings on sustainable business, journalism & social media and the transformation of family businesses at the Research Forum 2023. […]Read more on Applied research connects business and society

Research Results and Conference Talks on Legal Personality 2.0

April 26, 2023

Last week, our colleague Stefan Wrbka was invited to give a conference talk at the Université catholique de Lyon. Together with other international legal experts he discussed current legal challenges around the metaverse and presented together with Mark Fenwick (Kyushu University) insights gained on the question of a possible legal personality of avatars. […]Read more on Research Results and Conference Talks on Legal Personality 2.0