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Innovation and tradition strengthen family businesses even in times of crisis

April 19, 2023

Maija Worek, researcher at FHWien der WKW shows that companies have the potential to stand their ground even better in times of crisis if they use their knowledge and traditions strategically in the development of innovation. […]Read more on Innovation and tradition strengthen family businesses even in times of crisis

Corporate due diligence in the supply chain

April 14, 2023

Dr. Nils Kruse, Head of Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien der WKW, was a keynote speaker at the Austrian National Contact Point of the OECD on March 30, 2023. The roundtable on workers' representation focused on "Due diligence along the corporate value chain". […]Read more on Corporate due diligence in the supply chain

Keeping better track of “digital breadcrumbs” along tourist paths

April 13, 2023

Ilona Pezenka from the Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs at FHWien der WKW presented a social media analysis of the Montafon tourism region in Johannesburg, South Africa. […]Read more on Keeping better track of “digital breadcrumbs” along tourist paths

David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Northern France

March 31, 2023

Senior Researcher David Bourdin gave three guest lectures on international brand positioning and intercultural consumer behavior at the Université Catholique de Lille. […]Read more on David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Northern France

The 5th “Made in Austria – IndustriePANEL” starts with a new partner

March 5, 2023

The cooperation project of FHWien der WKW with TU Wien on the topics of automation, digitalization and Industry 4.0 is also supported by the Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI) from 2023. […]Read more on The 5th “Made in Austria – IndustriePANEL” starts with a new partner

How current “big tech announcements” affect companies and their stock prices

February 23, 2023 Ann-Christine Schulz - Strategy Coordinator and Project Leader at the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW - was interviewed this week by the Wall Street Journal about her publication on stock market reactions to mass layoffs. […]Read more on How current “big tech announcements” affect companies and their stock prices

In Search of “Changing Realities” and “New Opportunities”.

February 21, 2023

Call for Papers for the EuroCHRIE Conference Vienna 2023 under the motto "Changing Realities. New Opportunities." from October 3 to 6, 2023 at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on In Search of “Changing Realities” and “New Opportunities”.

“How Unicorns Defeated the Red Queen”

February 10, 2023

Prof. Pablo Collazzo from our Competence Center for Business Controlling and Accounting was awarded the "Best Paper Award" at the MOC Conference of the renowned Harvard Business School in Boston. […]Read more on “How Unicorns Defeated the Red Queen”