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A Pit Stop for Higher Resilience

January 26, 2023

As part of the 8th Vienna Innovation Conference under the title "Surviving in Times of Change - Transformation with Innovation", Daniela Ortiz, Academic Head of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien der WKW, discussed together with Gerlinde Macho, MP2 IT-Solutions, and Bettina Resl, Sanofi, the topic " Without Redundancy no Resilience: Is Just-in-Time Over?" […]Read more on A Pit Stop for Higher Resilience

Female friends’ holiday experiences in heterotopia

January 13, 2023

Dr Xavier Matteucci, Academic Expert & Lecturer at the Tourism & Hospitality Management Study programs, published a new scientific article that explores the relationship between holiday spaces and the impact they have on females’ experiences. […]Read more on Female friends’ holiday experiences in heterotopia

International Network Meeting at Harvard Business School

January 10, 2023

In December 2022, the annual faculty workshop of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) network of Harvard Business School took place in Boston. FHWien der WKW was represented by Florian Aubke (Head of Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs) and Clemens Löffler (Senior Researcher and MOC Coordinator at the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy). For […]Read more on International Network Meeting at Harvard Business School

Researching the image of Singapore with the drawing technique

December 19, 2022

Xavier Matteucci from the Tourism & Hospitality Management Study programs published a new scientific article that presents the use of an arts-based method to research the image of Singapore. […]Read more on Researching the image of Singapore with the drawing technique

Strategies for SMEs in times of digitalization

December 14, 2022

In the current issue of KMU Magazin, Ann-Christine Schulz and Sebastian Eschenbach (FHWien der WKW) - together with Anne Busch (FH Wiener Neustadt) - explore the strategic challenges facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a result of digitization. They also show which strategic options are available for SMEs. […]Read more on Strategies for SMEs in times of digitalization

Multi-Stakeholder Forum 2022

December 7, 2022

Corporate due diligence and human rights are gathering importance and focus within politics, society and for business, in particular because of current legal developments and increasing human rights risks. […]Read more on Multi-Stakeholder Forum 2022

Communicating responsibility in times of crisis

November 24, 2022

Co-editor and Head of Department of Communication Sieglinde Martin presents prize-winning works from the PRVA's Franz Bogner Science Award 2021. […]Read more on Communicating responsibility in times of crisis

Responsible Action Helps Companies in the “War for Talents”

November 17, 2022

Nils Kruse (Head of IBES of FHWien der WKW) received the Pater Schasching Prize for his dissertation on the question to what extent socially committed companies are more attractive employers. […]Read more on Responsible Action Helps Companies in the “War for Talents”

Media Usage in Times of Crisis

November 11, 2022

Gisela Reiter (Teaching & Research Associate at FHWien der WKW) presented her paper "'It was unusual to suddenly watch the national TV-newscast together, as an event.' Changes in media usage among young audiences during the first COVID-19 Lockdown in Austria" at the international ECREA 2022 conference in Aarhus / Denmark. […]Read more on Media Usage in Times of Crisis

Stakeholders instead of shareholders … for Better Business

November 10, 2022

As part of the “Responsible Management Lectures – Ideas for Better Business”, the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainably Strategy (IBES) welcomed Tara van Ho, Senior Lecturer at the School of Law of the University of Essex at FHWien der WKW on 27.10.2022. One week prior – on 20.10.2022 – Cordula Meckenstock from the German family-owned pharmaceutical company Grünenthal was… […]Read more on Stakeholders instead of shareholders … for Better Business