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Get to know Austria’s leading University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication and its practice-oriented Master’s programs easily and conveniently from home.

Find out about the Master’s programs at our university of applied sciences and talk to the Head of Programs and students to gain exclusive insights into student and campus life.

You can also get tips on career orientation and analyzing your personal potential as well as lots of information about studying.

Program & Highlights:

  • Studying for a Master’s degree at FHWien der WKW | Beate Huber, Head of Academic Affairs
  • Information events for all Master’s programs | Heads of Program
  • Ask a Student | Information session with students of ÖH FHWien
  • Virtual campus tour
  • Unlock Your Potential: How to find the job that suits you. | Marion Blaimauer, psychologist, and Eva Hofer, systemic coach – Career Information Center of the Wiener Wirtschaft
  • Information about studying
  • Alumni Stories

Registration & Event Platform

The Online Master Day will take place online via MS Teams from 4 to 8 pm. Registration is not required.

You will find the link to our event platform with the detailed program and the links to the respective online sessions on this page in time! Please visit this event platform at the time of the Online Master Day to participate in the respective online session using the MS Teams links published there. You can also participate via smartphone and tablet.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Online Master Day!

Please note: Your personal data is processed exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Austrian data protection regulations, in particular the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG). Data protection at FHWien der WKW

In the course of this event, photos/videos/sound recordings may be made by or on behalf of FHWien der WKW. By participating in the event, you acknowledge that photos, video material and/or sound recordings may be used for reporting purposes and published in various (social) media, publications and on FHWien der WKW websites. These recordings may be linked to the visual representation of persons present, whereby the selection of persons is random.