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The 5th “Made in Austria – IndustriePANEL” starts with a new partner

March 5, 2023

The cooperation project of FHWien der WKW with TU Wien on the topics of automation, digitalization and Industry 4.0 is also supported by the Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI) from 2023.

5. Made in Austria IndustriePANEL
F.l.t.r.: Christoph Slouka (FMTI), Christian Bauer (TU Wien), Johannes Hunschofsky (EIT Manufacturing East), Sebastian Schlund (TU Wien), Walter Mayrhofer (FHWien der WKW), Wilfried Sihn (Fraunhofer Austria). Picture credit: © EIT Manufacturing East

The organization team of the “Made in Austria (MiA)-IndustriePANEL” is pleased to welcome the Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI) as another partner organization this year – in addition to TU Wien, Fraunhofer Austria, FHWien der WKW and EIT Manufacturing East. The FMTI strengthens the annual survey with its member companies and its credo as “Austria’s strongest industry”. Thus, the insights gained through the survey will also find their way into the design of the relevant legal, economic and scientific framework conditions of the metalworking industry in Austria as well as within the EU in the future.

Since February 20, 2023, leading managers of Austrian industrial companies are called upon for the fifth time to share their experiences about their own company, the market, competitiveness and the state of digitalization.

Regular survey of the needs and challenges of Austrian industry.

With the MiA-IndustriePANEL, the Institute of Management Sciences at TU Wien, together with Fraunhofer Austria, FHWien der WKW, EIT Manufacturing East and FMTI, determines the needs and challenges of Austrian industry. The goal of the survey, which has been conducted since 2019, is a regular and methodical presentation of the status quo as well as the future expectations of domestic industry. The topics of automation, digitalization and assistance systems play a central role in this. Every year, more than 100 Austrian industrial companies take part in the MiA-IndustriePANEL.

In recent years, more than 60 percent of the employees of the companies taking part in the survey have worked directly in production or in production-related areas. The average number of employees in the companies surveyed in 2022 was 18,420 worldwide and 2,437 in Austria. The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the MiA-IndustriePANEL was 21 percent this year.

Presentation of study results in fall 2023

The study results will be presented on Friday, October 13, 2023, as part of the “Made in Austria IndustrieFORUM 2023” at TUtheSky at the Vienna University of Technology. In addition, the event, to which all IndustriePANEL participants will be invited as guests, will again offer exciting presentations by top-class experts from business, science and society.

The link to participate as well as all results of the previous studies can be found on the website of the “MiA-IndustriePANEL”.