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Discussion about the future of tourism in Vienna

June 17, 2024

WienTourismus invited endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja and lecturer Daniela Wagner to review their Visitor Economy Strategy in the Wiener Börsensäle. Together with experts and decision-makers from the industry, they discussed possible topics that will concern both the Viennese tourism industry and the city's residents in the future. […]Read more on Discussion about the future of tourism in Vienna

Learning Journey ‘Walking through Vienna`s City Centre” started

May 23, 2024

The first part of the research project by foundation professor Cornelia Dlabaja began in March 2024. The aim of the first part of the research project is to collate the perspectives and findings of decision-makers and residents for future planning processes in order to better understand the requirements for four selected squares in Vienna's city centre. […]Read more on Learning Journey ‘Walking through Vienna`s City Centre” started

Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja at Davide Giri Talks in NYC

May 21, 2024

Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja accepted two invitations to New York City in spring 2024: she reported on her research findings at both the Davide Giri Talk and the Urban Affairs Association Conference. […]Read more on Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja at Davide Giri Talks in NYC

Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja in request as an expert

April 12, 2024

Cornelia Dlabaja has been an endowed professor for sustainable urban and tourism development since August 2023. The expertise of the sociologist, cultural scientist and tourism expert is in great demand, as her participation in numerous events in the first quarter of the year shows. We present a selection of these. […]Read more on Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja in request as an expert

Urban Future Talks: City and social inequality

March 26, 2024

Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja invited experts in inequality and family research from the Technical University of Dortmund to the second Urban Future Talks at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Urban Future Talks: City and social inequality

Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja presents her main areas of research

February 28, 2024

Dr. Cornelia Dlabaja presented her priorities and research methods for the next five years at her inaugural lecture on February 22, 2024. State Secretary for Tourism Susanne Kraus-Winkler, Head of the Tourism Section at the Federal Ministry Ulrike Rauch-Keschmann, Tourism Spokesperson for the Green Party Hans Arsenovic, Clemens Költringer from the Vienna Tourist Board and numerous tourism experts, practice partners,… […]Read more on Endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja presents her main areas of research

Exploring new horizons in tourism: The students’ perspective on current challenges

February 22, 2024

In a pioneering initiative, students at FHWien der WKW have demonstrated their academic skills and contributed to a special issue of the scientific journal Tourismus Wissen Quarterly. […]Read more on Exploring new horizons in tourism: The students’ perspective on current challenges

A scientific look at Aspern – book publication by Cornelia Dlabaja

February 9, 2024

The latest book by Cornelia Dlabaja, endowed Professor for Sustainable Urban & Tourism Development, is now available. In "Die Seestadt Aspern - Ein Stadtteil im Werden", she follows the development of this new Viennese neighbourhood from an ethnographic perspective. […]Read more on A scientific look at Aspern – book publication by Cornelia Dlabaja

“Approaches and challenges of sustainable urban and tourism development”

February 1, 2024

Dr. Cornelia Dlabaja has been researching sustainable urban and tourism development at FHWien der WKW as an endowed chair since August 2023. In her inaugural lecture on February 22, 2024, she will present her thematic focus and research methods. It is the first professorship in Austria in the field of urban tourism. […]Read more on “Approaches and challenges of sustainable urban and tourism development”

Successful EuroCHRIE Conference 2023 at FHWien der WKW

October 17, 2023

With the motto "Changing Realities. New Opportunities", over 220 delegates from 35 countries and 133 hotel & tourism educators met at FHWien der WKW from October 3rd to 6th. With top speakers, exciting presentations, an extensive social program and final award ceremony in the Vienna City Hall, the event was a complete success. […]Read more on Successful EuroCHRIE Conference 2023 at FHWien der WKW