Awards for Master’s theses at the edcom Graduation Competition 2024/25
Rebecca Kubatsch was awarded second place and Bettina Gatterer third place at this year's edcom Graduation Competition for their outstanding Master's theses. […]Read more on Awards for Master’s theses at the edcom Graduation Competition 2024/25
Strategies for sustainable donor retention in a business field project with UNICEF Austria
Students of the Master's program in Communication Management developed innovative communication strategies to reactivate donors and strengthen their loyalty. […]Read more on Strategies for sustainable donor retention in a business field project with UNICEF Austria
Performance skills and staging in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication
Students of the Bachelor's program in Corporate Communication learn professional (online) staging in their very first semester. […]Read more on Performance skills and staging in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication
Artificial Intelligence in the Communication Management study programs at FHWien der WKW
AI has found its way into the curricula of the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Communication Management at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Artificial Intelligence in the Communication Management study programs at FHWien der WKW
Case Study of FHWien der WKW in the new Kotler Essentials of Modern Marketing
On January 30, 2025, the book presentation of Kotler's Essentials of Modern Marketing took place with marketing insights and networking at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Case Study of FHWien der WKW in the new Kotler Essentials of Modern Marketing
SDG Day 2025: Examining Sustainability Communication
The Communication Management study programs presented their critical examination of greenwashing in corporate communications at the SDG Day 2025. […]Read more on SDG Day 2025: Examining Sustainability Communication
Business field project with the Austrian Disability Council: campaigns for more inclusion
Students of the Bachelor's program in Corporate Communication developed concepts to strengthen the positioning of the Austrian Disability Council (ÖBR) in federal politics. […]Read more on Business field project with the Austrian Disability Council: campaigns for more inclusion
Master’s students pitch for victory in the Ad Venture Competition
In the edcom competition, students from the Master's program in Communication Management are working in international teams to design a new marketing strategy for an English tea brand. […]Read more on Master’s students pitch for victory in the Ad Venture Competition
Sustainability Challenge with Pitch for the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
Corporate Communication students developed creative ideas to promote the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens’ (BKMC) Green Jobs course. […]Read more on Sustainability Challenge with Pitch for the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
Cross-university cooperation at edcom meeting
The edcom meeting in December with Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian as representative of FHWien der WKW was all about promoting international exchange through cross-university projects. […]Read more on Cross-university cooperation at edcom meeting