Ten years of ISMJ: Artificial intelligence in the focus of young journalists
What are the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for journalism, democracy and society? This question was at the heart of the International School of Multimedia Journalism (ISMJ) 2025, which celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. From February 10 to 14, twenty students from Austria, Denmark, Georgia and Ukraine met in Vienna to produce multimedia reports. […]Read more on Ten years of ISMJ: Artificial intelligence in the focus of young journalists
News consumption in transition: Journalism for Gen Z
How can complex topics be presented in a way that appeals to young people? The students on the Content Production & Digital Media Management study program have been working intensively on this question and have developed new formats that are geared towards the viewing and listening habits of young target groups. The result: online, video and audio formats that inform… […]Read more on News consumption in transition: Journalism for Gen Z
Making commitment visible: New Excellence Club promotes outstanding students
With the “Excellence Club” in the field of communication, FHWien der WKW launches a new excellence program to promote outstanding students and to make their commitment visible. The club is intended as a special recognition for those who stand out for their high motivation and exceptional achievements in their studies. […]Read more on Making commitment visible: New Excellence Club promotes outstanding students
Trust in AI journalism in times of communicative and social (dis)order
Gisela Reiter, Andreas Hess and Marian Adolf from the Department of Communication presented a study on trust in AI-generated journalism at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECC 2024). The results of the study highlight the complex relationship between technological progress in journalism, audience perceptions and trust in news media. […]Read more on Trust in AI journalism in times of communicative and social (dis)order
Soil consumption and quiet quitting: FHWien der WKW honors young journalists in 2024
On September 30th, the FHWien of the WKW hosted the sixth award ceremony of the renowned Journalism Young Talent Award. Among the numerous submissions, works on current social issues such as soil consumption and work-life balance were particularly convincing. A total of ten young talents from the fields of radio & audio, TV & video, text and multimedia were honored.… […]Read more on Soil consumption and quiet quitting: FHWien der WKW honors young journalists in 2024
Europe On Air 2024 on elections in Europe
Exploring urban metropolises and creating high-quality journalistic radio and audio programs in small intercultural groups - this is the core of the international "Europe On Air" course. This year's course was held in Antwerp, Belgium. […]Read more on Europe On Air 2024 on elections in Europe
ISMJ 2024: Young journalists explore Europe’s diversity
The second project week of this year's International School of Multimedia Journalism (ISMJ) took place in the Polish capital Warsaw. For one week, participants from four countries explored Europe and created their own multimedia reports on the theme "This is (also) Europe!". […]Read more on ISMJ 2024: Young journalists explore Europe’s diversity
Sports journalism up close: Successful workshop at FHWien der WKW
For the third time, the sports journalism workshop at FHWien der WKW inspired participants with practical exercises and valuable insights into the industry. […]Read more on Sports journalism up close: Successful workshop at FHWien der WKW
AI in the Newsroom
At a practice-oriented taster seminar at FHWien der WKW, the diverse application possibilities and challenges of AI in journalism were intensively discussed and tried out by the participants for their own purposes. […]Read more on AI in the Newsroom
Young media users’ trust in public service news programs
In ORF's latest Public Value Report, Gisela Reiter of the Department of Communication (DoC) - side by side with political expert Peter Filzmaier - sheds light on the question "Why can I trust ORF news?" and focusses on the role of ORF as a reliable source of information for young people. […]Read more on Young media users’ trust in public service news programs