Cities as drivers of innovation: Anna-Vera Deinhammer leads the Shaping Urban Futures Closing Event of EFA2024
On January 17, 2025, the final event of the “Shaping Urban Futures” initiative took place as part of the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) in Vienna. The event marked the culmination of a three-year project cycle and celebrated the successes of EFA 24, which was dedicated to promoting sustainable urban development. […]Read more on Cities as drivers of innovation: Anna-Vera Deinhammer leads the Shaping Urban Futures Closing Event of EFA2024
Anna-Vera Deinhammer as session host at the European Forum Alpbach 2024
Moment of Truth: Searching for ideas for a sustainable future - that was the theme of this year's European Forum Alpbach 2024. Foundation professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer spent a week in Tyrol and led a total of three workshops at the renowned international think tank. […]Read more on Anna-Vera Deinhammer as session host at the European Forum Alpbach 2024
Transformative ideas for the building sector
What does it take to drive transformative change in the building sector? Foundation Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer formed the Austrian delegation at the Buildings and Climate Global Forum in Paris together with ÖGNI Executive Committee member and Co-Chair of the WorldGBC European Regional Network Richard Teichmann. […]Read more on Transformative ideas for the building sector
Side visits, discussions, jury member – the expertise of Endowed Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer is in demand!
Anna-Vera Deinhammer has been an Endowed Professor for Sustainable Real Estate Development in the construction and property industry since June 2023. She is also active in the World Green Building Council on behalf of the ÖGNI (Austrian Society for Sustainable Real Estate Development) and Vice President "Director for Circular Cities and Regions" of the Circular Economy Forum Austria. The expertise… […]Read more on Side visits, discussions, jury member – the expertise of Endowed Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer is in demand!
Inaugural lecture by endowed chair Anna-Vera Deinhammer
At her inaugural lecture on November 16, 2023, Dr. Anna-Vera Deinhammer presented her focus areas and research methods for the next five years to an audience of students, real estate experts and colleagues. […]Read more on Inaugural lecture by endowed chair Anna-Vera Deinhammer
Sustainable impulses for Controlling and the Construction Industry
The Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) of FHWien der WKW, presented strategic approaches for sustainable business in financial management and the construction industry. […]Read more on Sustainable impulses for Controlling and the Construction Industry
Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development at FHWien der WKW
Anna-Vera Deinhammer has been researching and teaching at the Real Estate Management study programs since June 1. Her professorship was endowed by TPA Steuerberatung GmbH, BUWOG Group GmbH and LENIKUS Immobilien GmbH. […]Read more on Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development at FHWien der WKW