In E&W – Austria’s insider magazine for the electrical industry – Sebastian Eschenbach, Head of the Department of Digital Economy, talks about the current state of artificial intelligence and the potential applications in small and medium-sized enterprises and where SMEs can achieve the greatest leverage for themselves with AI.
The USA is currently setting the pace in the development of artificial intelligence. However, this topic is also being taught and researched in Austria – including at our Department of Digital Economy. At FHWien der WKW, where computer science is approached from an economic perspective, in-depth courses on artificial intelligence are now being offered. The “AI for Business” specialization comprises three modules that deal with theoretical and practical aspects of AI-based information systems.
Technical, economic and social aspects of the use of AI
Students learn to analyze data, understand and apply AI functions and select and implement AI-based software solutions. They not only learn about the technical, but also the economic and social aspects of using AI. In addition, several research projects at the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS), which is also part of the Department of Digital Economy, are looking at the challenges of digital transformation and the potential of artificial intelligence for SMEs.
In this interview, Sebastian Eschenbach explains where the focus should be when introducing AI in companies and why everyone is still “fighting with the same spears” when it comes to AI. You can find the full interview with the head of our Department of Digital Economy on (In German)