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AI Integration: CCBE’s innovative teaching method

May 16, 2024

The Competence Center for Business English (CCBE) leading the way in integrating AI in instructional methodology: CCBE’s collaborative intelligence (= AI + human intelligence) language learning methodology for graded writing tasks was highly acclaimed at the 57th IATEFL Annual Conference.

From April 15-19, 2024 around 2500 English language teaching specialists from around the globe gathered in Brighton, UK, to exchange new ideas, discuss current topics and expand networks.  

Unsurprisingly, AI was this year’s hot topic, and CCBE’s Catherine Prewett-Schrempf and Linda Slattery were among the speakers on the esteemed first conference day. Catherine and Linda presented insights into how FHWien der WKW’s first-semester students paired up with AI for a graded business writing task to improve their language skills and writing style without compromising academic integrity.

Representatives from around 40 international academic institutions attended the session, with many planning to replicate the methodology within their own contexts.