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Admission Procedure: An Undertaking Rich in Experience

June 6, 2023

Preparing for and taking part in an assessment center is always very tense for applicants – and not without reason: During this selection process, which lasts several hours, participants are given various tasks and are observed by so-called “assessors”. At the same time, students in the Bachelor’s program in Human Resources Management are also involved in the selection process, where applicants are scrutinized by assessors.

Aufnahmeverfahren des Studienbereichs Human Resources & Organization
Students after successful completion of their assessor activities

“The Human Resource Management program is pleased to invite you to the program-specific part of the admission procedure…” reads the invitation text after successful completion of the written test. What follows is an assessment center lasting several hours, during which the applicants show their best side during individual tasks and group exercises and, conversely, can get to know the FH and the field of study better. The special thing about this is that students in the 4th semester of Human Resources Management are themselves involved as “assessors” and gain valuable recruiting experience on the “other side of the desk”.

The implementation of such an assessment center is therefore not only taught as part of the Bachelor’s program in Human Resources Management at FHWien der WKW, but also directly applied in practice. After a Covid-related break, it was again possible in May 2023 to directly involve students in the selection process specific to the study program. For a half day, they became assessors, observed, evaluated and discussed their assessments in the course of the observers’ conference. Lecturers of  FHWien accompanied the students in their activities and conveyed to them in the final individual feedback their strengths and potentials, which they brought to light as assessors. In the upcoming fall, all the experiences gained by students and new students will be discussed and reflected upon again in an integrated mentoring session.

Exciting, intensive and rich in experience are the keywords that best describe this undertaking for all parties involved. The students were thoroughly professional and committed. And the applicants? Ideally, they will be taking their seats on the other side in a few years’ time and will be in action when the FH selection process is carried out.