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Awards for Master’s theses at the edcom Graduation Competition 2024/25

March 3, 2025

Rebecca Kubatsch was awarded second place and Bettina Gatterer third place at this year’s edcom Graduation Competition for their outstanding Master’s theses.

Every year, the edcom Graduation Competition honors the best bachelor’s and master’s theses in advertising or commercial communication among students from edcom member universities. This year’s competition attracted 46 universities from 16 countries. Two graduates from FHWien der WKW made it into the top three and were honored for their outstanding Master’s theses:

Rebecca Kubatsch completed her Master’s degree in Marketing & Sales Management with us. In her Master’s thesis, she focused on impulse buying in social commerce. She investigated the driving factors for social commerce and how these differ from in-store purchasing behavior. Her thesis achieved an excellent second place in the Master’s thesis category. The thesis was supervised by our external lecturer Stefan Bauer.

>> Read the master’s thesis

Bettina Gatterer is a graduate of the Master’s program in Communication Management. Her master’s thesis examines temporal framing in green marketing messages. In a quantitative study, she analyzed the impact of framing effects in environmental claims on perception and purchase intention, taking into account the moderating influence of consumer-specific characteristics. With her work, she took a fantastic third place in the Master’s thesis category. The thesis was supervised by our Senior Researcher David Bourdin.

>> Read the master’s thesis

Congratulations to them on their outstanding achievements at high academic level!