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Circular economy and artificial intelligence in Austrian industry

May 17, 2024

The Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW is once again supporting the “Made in Austria” IndustriePANEL: Future of Production Work in Austria in 2024.

Broschüre des Made in Austria 2024
© EIT Manufacturing East

The annual survey shows the current situation and future expectations of the manufacturing industry in Austria. Numerous leading figures from Austrian industrial companies have already taken part in the “Made in Austria” IndustriePANEL 2024 survey.

Be part of the “Made in Austria” IndustriePANEL 2024

All participants in the annual online survey can attend the “Made in Austria” (MiA) – IndustrieFORUM on October 24, 2024 at TUtheSky at the Vienna University of Technology free of charge. The results of the study will be presented there by Sebastian Schlund (TU Vienna, Fraunhofer Austria). Lectures by experts from business, science and society as well as a panel discussion will make the MiA-IndustrieFORUM a high-profile event for the domestic manufacturing industry.

“Made in Austria” IndustrieFORUM 2024 – above the rooftops of Vienna

The event enables an exchange between industry and research and opens up new insights and collaborations for participants. At the MiA-IndustrieFORUM 2024, you can expect presentations by Sebastian Thiede (University of Twente) on the topic of circular economy and Thomas Doms (TRUSTIFAI) on the topic of artificial intelligence as well as other inspiring topics and discussions, moderated by Walter Mayrhofer (FHWien der WKW).

All information on the “Made in Austria” IndustrieFORUM and IndustriePANEL can be found at our Website or at (in German).

The annual survey is a collaboration between the Institute of Management Sciences (IMW) at TU Wien in cooperation with the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW, Fraunhofer Austria, EIT Manufacturing East and the Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie – FMTI.