Markus Scholz and Maria Riegler from Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics at Research Cluster SMEs & Family Businesses represented FHWien der WKW at the Academy of Management (AOM) and Society for Business Ethics (SBE) Annual Meetings in Boston
The Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting is the world’s largest management research conference with more than 10,000 participants from over 80 countries and took place in Boston this year. Since the AOM has such a large number of visitors from the academic community and at the same time a fairly manageable structure due to its thematically grouped “divisions”, the conference provides an excellent opportunity for networking and representation. The Society for Business Ethics (SBE) Annual Meeting is a small, specialized conference taking place parallel to the AOM.
FH-Prof. Markus Scholz, Head of the Research Cluster SMEs & Family Businesses at FHWien der WKW, presented a new paper titled “Structuring Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Towards a taxonomy and a model” at SBE, where he obtained valuable feedback from other scholars and stimulated interesting discussions.
Maria Riegler, Research Associate, was accepted for the “Social Issues in Management” division’s doctoral consortium, where she received helpful advice on various topics relevant to dissertating, a one-on-one mentoring session and where she had the opportunity to get to know potential co-authors and other peers.
A paper by Alexander Engelmann (Research Associate), Barbara Kump and Christina Schweiger (Head of Study Program Human Resources & Organization) was presented at AOM by our esteemed former colleague Barbara Kump.
Through their presentations and interactions with the academic community during the two conferences, Markus Scholz and Maria Riegler made an important contribution to making FHWien der WKW internationally visible and well-connected.