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Counseling group dynamics during business field projects

July 22, 2019

4th semester students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Corporate Communication have been working on real-live business field projects with companies like C&A (for the full-time cohort), MED-EL (part-time) and Confiserie Heindl (part-time, blocked schedule). During the intensive phase of these projects, counseling on teamwork and group dynamics was implemented as part of the module “Social Skills 2”.

The social skills course supported the three cohorts of student teams during the whole process in order to establish and work on the core competences of teamwork on a hands-on basis.

Introducing a high degree of commitment and self-reflection, the teams worked on team roles, types of conflicts and phases of team building directly associated with the actual progress of the their respective projects.

At the end of the course, the students elaborated on a final reflection of their personal experiences and lessons learned which was subsequently presented to the lecturers and extensively discussed.

The lecturers, Mag. Gabriele Zeiner, Mag. Bettina Siegl and FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar congratulate their students on their dedication and the successful reflection on group dynamics as well as on the impressive outcome of the business field projects as such and wish all students a relaxing summertime – which is well-earned in any case!