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CSR measures and personality traits

June 19, 2019

“Working for the greater good” was the motto of the Eawop Congress (European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology) which was held May 29th – June 1st in Turin. More than 2.000 attendees from 60 countries participated in the renowned congress.

For the Department of Communication, FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar (Head of Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills) presented a cooperation study on “Personality traits and credibility of CSR measures as factors of social reputation of food retailers” in cooperation with FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Pittner, MA (Head of Study Program on the FH Wiener Neustadt).

The objective of this study comprising 709 participants was to evaluate the influence of personality traits (values, self-assessment of competence and control, ambiguity-tolerance) on the attitude towards CSR, the importance of product traits as well as the orientation towards organic store brands.

The findings show that the more consumers appreciate the well-being of all people and nature, the more they tend to display a positive attitude towards CSR measures of food retailers. Consumers who have assigned “honest green points” to a company also manifest a higher social reputation for the company as compared to others who have not. The trustworthiness of ecological projects thus functions as a moderating variable for the positive impact of CSR measures on the reputation for the company as such.

>> Further information on the study.

This contribution and the motto of the congress as such are a clear signal towards active support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).