On December 19, 2024, the international tax consulting firm TPA participated as a cooperation partner in the course “Interdisciplinary Case Studies” at FHWien der WKW.
This gave the prospective financial experts of the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting & Taxation a practical insight into the complex world of accounting. In an interactive format, real business cases from accounting practice were put under the microscope. The students had the opportunity to examine both the corporate law and tax perspectives. In small groups, they first discussed their approaches to solving the cases before presenting their results in plenary and reflecting on them together with the experienced speakers.
Professionals from the field
The two senior consultants from TPA, Barbara Baskhairoun and Aleksandra Petruljevic, led the workshop. With their extensive specialist knowledge in group accounting and financial reporting as well as their expertise in the area of real estate & ESG, they enriched the discussions and were able to pass on valuable tips to the students.
This practice-oriented approach not only imparted theoretical knowledge, but also provided valuable experience for future working life. The course “Interdisciplinary Case Studies” thus represents an important bridge between science and practice and prepares students optimally for their professional careers.
>> More information about the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting & Taxation