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Employer branding for the tax services in a business field project with KPMG

June 12, 2024

In the business field project of the Master’s program in Communication Management, the students from FHWien der WKW dispel the conservative image of tax consultancy and develop communication concepts to increase employer attractiveness.

In the summer semester of 2024, students on the Master’s program in Communication Management (4th semester) were faced with the challenge of making the image of tax consultancy more attractive to new employees. KPMG Austria, one of the “Big Four’” auditing and tax consulting firms, commissioned them to conduct quantitative market research and develop communication strategies to optimise their image.

Addressing young career starters

As a first step, the Master’s students conducted a survey among the Generation Z target group of young career starters. They interviewed students from the Management & Entrepreneurship and Financial Management degree programs at FHWien der WKW and gained exciting insights into the perceptions and expectations of potential applicants. Based on these findings, the six teams developed targeted communication strategies that focussed in particular on digital media channels and target group-specific communication. From brainstorming to the final concept, the students were supported by coaches Sieglinde Martin, Head of Department of Communication and head of the Master’s program, and Christof Sauke, Academic Expert & Lecturer at the Competence Center for Marketing at FHWien der WKW.

Successful pitch to KPMG

The final presentations took place at KPMG in Vienna in mid-May. The six student teams presented their communication concepts to the clients, the heads of the HR and marketing departments and KPMG partner Gerhard Wolf. In addition to concrete integrative measures, the presentations included detailed budgeting and timetables. Each group took a different approach, with a strong focus on digital (social media) campaigns running through all of the presentations. In the communication strategy, the students specifically addressed the needs relevant to the target group, such as flexibility, corporate culture, training and continuing education.

Gerhard Wolf, Partner at KPMG Austria, was impressed by the concepts developed:

“I am really enthusiastic and have learnt a lot from the future communication professionals! We will certainly implement some of the measures at KPMG and get to work.”

Many thanks to our clients Alexandra Sirlinger, Julia Gradl, Lisa-Marie Makoru and Karolina Maier from the HR and Marketing department at KPMG, who supported the project from mid-February to mid-May!