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Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

February 22, 2022
Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

The European exchange program for entrepreneurs

The EU program „Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs“ supports young entrepreneurs  in acquiring relevant skills and building an international network.

Especially in the pre-start-up phase, it is essential that the prospective entrepreneurs become aware of the great opportunities, but also the risks of self-employment. Through this program they can gain important experience from successful companies.

With Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, graduates of FHWien der WKW can spend a stay of up to 6 months abroad at a company that specifically supports them with regard to their business idea. The funding amounts to EUR 830,- to 950,-/month.

Prerequisite is a business start-up in the last 3 years or the existence of a concrete plan for a business start-up. The network of the Young Economy Division establishes the contact to a suitable company for the stay.

More infos can be found here.