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Focus on people – what constitutes “Great Workplaces” and good leadership

May 18, 2022

The number of employees willing to change jobs is currently higher than it has been for a long time. Nevertheless, many companies are desperately looking for applicants. Iris Kunrath, Head of Sales and Senior Culture Coach at Great Place to Work, spoke at the Alumni Talk on May 17, 2022 about the possible reasons for this and what companies can do to become more attractive as employers and at the same time retain existing employees.

The graduate of the Marketing & Sales and Human Resources & Organization study programs emphasized in the talk how much leadership in the company can contribute to raising the potential of employees and thus ensuring greater commitment. What do applicants and employees need today and what does it actually mean to be a good employer?

Based on studies conducted by Great Place to Work, Kunrath explained to the participants what constitutes a “Great Workplace” according to the results and what effect it has when companies take care of their employees. The results are more satisfied, more loyal, more committed employees who enjoy coming to work and who also recommend the company to others.

One thing became clear during the talk: work should not just be an occupation – it should above all have a special meaning and a purpose, i.e. be much more than just a job. Companies that take this to heart and focus on their employees have a good chance of scoring points on the labor market.