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From brewery to event location

June 19, 2024

Bachelor students of the Tourism & Hospitality Management study program visited the Ottakringer Brauerei in Vienna. As part of the “Event & Congress Design” specialization, they got to know this unique event location.

Vor der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
Willkommensschild der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif
In der Ottakringer Brauerei
© Tarek Sharif

The Ottakringer Brauerei looks back on a long and eventful history. Beer has been brewed here in accordance with the Viennese Purity Law since 1839. Today, the Ottakringer Brauerei is not only one of Austria’s best-known beer brands, but also a popular event location.   

Insights into the world of event management

Jennifer Mock, Event Manager at the brewery, explained the special features of the event location to the students and lecturer Tarek Sharif. In addition to many external events (eg. concerts, trade fairs, conferences, weddings), some in-house events (beer festival, christmas market) also take place here. The event management team is therefore faced with a variety of challenges and tasks, which they were happy to share with the students. 

The students then visited the Ottakringer Brauerei event location. They familiarized themselves with the various rooms and received information about the technical possibilities of the location. Of course, a tasting of the “16er Blechs” was a must. A big thank you to Jennifer Mock and her team for these intensive insights.   

>> More information about Bachelor’s Program in Tourism & Hospitality Management