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FUTURE SKILLS! FUTURE LEARNING! FUTURE ORGANIZATIONS! – Skills and learning worlds of the future from an HR perspective

July 3, 2023

How is artificial intelligence changing the world of learning and work? What competencies/future skills are needed to deal with it competently and how can they be taught? These were the questions posed by 4th semester students of the Bachelor’s program Human Resources Management.

As part of the practical project, the students, supported by couches Gloria Warmuth and Stefan Teufl, researched, and investigated these questions.

The results were very far-reaching and showed the importance of a combination of digital and social skills. In a learning, teaching and working environment in which change is omnipresent, problem-solving skills, innovation skills, social skills, self-organization skills, learning skills, reflection skills and flexibility skills must be demonstrated. In addition, it was shown how important it is to create the right framework to train teachers and students in the use of artificial intelligence. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), chatbots and cobots (virtual assistants) will enrich and facilitate the everyday teaching and learning of teachers and students in the future.

The entire project was implemented in self-organized project teams of 5-6 students in order to train the students’ self-organization skills.

As practical recommendations for action for FHWien der WKW, the students suggested interdisciplinary innovation labs, an alumni buddy system, a virtual collaboration platform for students, and the use of AI-supported tools in various courses.

>>Learn more about the Bachelor’s program Human Resources Management