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HR project: Artificial intelligence and personnel development at ÖBB

July 25, 2024

As part of their practical project, Bachelor students of the Human Resources Management study program explored the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources development at ÖBB. The students worked intensively on this project over the course of the 4th semester and presented their findings in a presentation.

Studierende des Bachelor-Studiums Personalmanagement beim Praxisprojekt mit der ÖBB zum Thema "Künstliche Intelligenz und Personalentwicklung"
Fotocredit: © ÖBB/Brasse

The students analyzed current studies and literature, conducted interviews with experts and finally developed specific recommendations for action, considering legal and ethical aspects, and presented them with a smart storyline. The focus was on two central areas: 

  • Skills and talent management: How can AI help to better recognize, develop and deploy employees’ skills?   
  • Learning & development: What opportunities does AI offer to design individual learning paths and optimize employee training? 

AI as a driver for staff development

The presentations in ÖBB’s Innovation Lab met with great interest among ÖBB managers. Angela Steck, Head of the Solution Centre for Human Resources Development, Culture and Leadership, was impressed:

The cooperation with the WKW University of Applied Sciences has shown that the integration of artificial intelligence into human resources development has great potential. The students’ innovative approaches provide valuable impetus for our future – because we want to actively shape AI and how we deal with it, and not be shaped by AI.’ 

Many thanks for the successful cooperation to the ÖBB team ‘Solution Centre HR Development, Culture and Leadership’ and the two experienced coaches Stefan Teufl and Michael Walzek, who accompanied this project as part of the course ‘HR Practice Project’. 

>> More information about the Bachelor’s Program in Human Resources Management