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Innovations along the customer journey in a business field project with BLAGUSS

May 28, 2024

Master’s students at FHWien der WKW inspire BLAGUSS with detailed concepts for increasing capacity utilisation and customer satisfaction in the business field project of the summer semester 2024.

In a business field project with Blaguss Reisen GmbH, students from the 4th semester Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management developed sophisticated solutions relating to the range of products and services with the aim of further expanding BLAGUSS’ leading position in the highly competitive market.

Focus groups for insights into the target group

To generate valuable insights into the needs of selected target groups, the six student teams, who positioned themselves as agencies, first conducted focus group interviews at FHWien der WKW. They then analysed the findings using a detailed SWOT analysis and derived a fact-based strategy and key ideas from this. The teams translated these into customised concepts along the customer journey. The detailed measures were aimed at optimising the utilisation of the bus fleet and sustainably increasing customer satisfaction with innovative service offerings. The coaches Thomas Schmidt, Head of Marketing & Sales Study Programs, and Melanie Gratzer, Academic Expert & Lecturer and Coordinator Marketing Communications at FHWien der WKW, provided professional support and guidance throughout the entire process.

Professional final presentations inspire BLAGUSS

In mid-May, the six different concepts were pitched to the client, Claudia Pich, Head of Marketing & Communication at BLAGUSS, during a final presentation. The variety of ideas, depth and feasibility of the proposed solutions were met with great enthusiasm:

“The collaboration with the students was extremely enriching. The fresh ideas and well-founded analyses provide us with valuable impetus to further improve our offerings and open up new market segments. We were particularly impressed by the students’ professionalism and practice-orientated approach. Their recommendations will make a significant contribution to making our offering more attractive and versatile.”

A big thank you to BLAGUSS for the extensive insights into the buss mobility industry and congratulations to our Master’s students on their outstanding achievements!