The Department of Communication was represented at the International Days of the Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité (ISCOM) with three guest lectures on international marketing and digital marketing.
Internationality is a top priority at the Department of Communication at FHWien der WKW. The lively exchange with partner universities abroad therefore also takes place regularly in times of online settings. Thus, at the beginning of November 2021, the Department was represented with three exciting virtual guest lectures in the course of the “International Days” of the Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité (ISCOM). Founded in 1986, the university has around 3,000 students at eight campuses throughout France and is part of FHWien der WKW’s international network of over 170 partner universities worldwide. Twenty-two guest lecturers from a wide range of countries participated in the “International Days” with lectures or workshops.
Knowledge transfer in Digital Marketing
In the workshop “Effective Digital Marketing Strategies” by Jasmin Séra and Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos Guedes from the City of Vienna Competence Team for the Digitalization of Communication, ISCOM students learned how to build a digital marketing strategy. The focus was on digital brand building and reputation & relationship building. The students were then able to apply their acquired knowledge in several exercises, e. g. by creating content for an online ad or developing suitable personas for a fictitious brand.
David Dobrowsky, Head of the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication, led the workshop “Search Engine Marketing” and provided exciting insights from a practical perspective. The participants learned how search algorithms from Google & Co. work and what implications can be derived from this for the search engine optimization of websites. He also explained the basics of search engine advertising using practical examples.
International brand perception and country stereotypes
David Bourdin from the Competence Center for Marketing gave an interactive presentation on “Identities, Orientations, and Stereotypes: How Individual Characteristics Affect our Intercultural Behavior.” He explained key aspects of intercultural consumer behavior, such as global, local, and foreign brand positioning strategies, the country-of-origin effect, ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism, and xenocentrism. He specifically addressed the influence of a service professional’s accent on customer participation in the service process.
By participating in the virtual “International Days” of ISCOM, new contacts with international lecturers were established and the partnership with the long-standing partner university could be strengthened.
You can learn more about the international orientation of FHWien der WKW here: