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International meeting on digital and sustainable transformation

June 26, 2024

Patrick Rupprecht from the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) took part in an interdisciplinary exchange on “Twin Transition” at the College of Higher Education “Academia” in Maribor, Slovenia, in May.

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Patrick Rupprecht from IDS at FHWien der WKW in exchange with international partners from academia and practice | © "Academia" College of Higher Education

From May 13 to 17, 2024, the College of Higher Education “Academia” in Maribor hosted 24 lecturers and professors from 12 partner universities from 9 countries. The interdisciplinary exchange on the topic of “Twin Transition” took place as part of the Erasmus+ program. FHWien der WKW was represented by Researcher Dr. techn. Patrick Rupprecht of the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy.

“Twin Transition” – meaningful combination of digital and sustainable transformation

Participants from Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia, Morocco and Jordan discussed the key areas of digital and sustainable change in higher education and skills development. The international partners from academia and practice discussed opportunities for project cooperation through various European Commission initiatives such as Creative Europe and Erasmus+.

Visits to local institutions provided insights into best practices and useful synergies in the field of digital and sustainable transformation. This led to valuable discussions and the development of possible project ideas for potential EU funding.