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Journalism students develop innovative media projects

January 27, 2021

Journalism students in the bachelor’s degree Content Production & Digital Media Management developed new and innovative media projects in the past semester. As part of the “multimedia practice” course, they designed a radio program, produced fact-checking videos, interview formats and designed a multimedia online magazine.

In small groups and under the guidance of experienced journalists, the students had to deal independently with the respective media genres and deal with the selected topics in an innovative way. The aim was to apply already learned individual competencies in a larger context and to produce a larger whole.

The approaches in the individual groups were as different as the media genres themselves. For the online magazine “after the silence” the students were able to work completely free of any media restrictions – from journalistic articles to documentation or even artistic abstractions.

For the interview magazine, the students not only had to deal with different types of interviews, the conduct of the interview itself or the importance of the interview setting. The task was also to develop a new, innovative interview format and to conduct it themselves.

The students working on the topic of fact-checking had to deal with the changes caused by social networks and the resulting challenges for journalism. Where in the past it was often about the pure dissemination of information, the journalistic task has now shifted more and more towards verification, review and classification. The aim of the project was to develop this new journalistic craft in the best possible way – from research to the design of a fact check in video form.

“Enlightening, journalistic, informative” were the demands on the radio group. Under the title “Caught in the working jungle”, they developed an one-hour radio program about the changing world of work using a multi-media approach: In the studio, contributions with background information, expert interviews and opinion polls were produced. In addition to writing and creating their own moderations, it was also important to make the right choice of music. Specially designed videos and promos were produced to promote the show on various social media channels.

after the silence – a journalistic experiment

Project lecturer: Jeff Mangione

At the beginning…
… there was chaos.
That still prevails now. Just different.
There was no concept, but in the end it did.
Thanks to creative ideas and multimedia options, individual styles became …
… a unique online experience.
For (almost) all the senses.
Despite the corona virus. (Or just because of that)

RadioLab – The changing world of work
Project lecturer: Sylvia Reim The world of work is like a jungle! We help you to keep track of things and talked to Minister of economic affairs Margarete Schramböck and many other experts about the subject of the changing world of work.

The Interview

Project lecturer: Münire Inam & Nicola Löwenstein

Out of the comfort zone – that is the main topic of our interviews. The aim was not only to lure our interviewees out of their comfort zone, but also to explore our own. The results were, among other things, exciting stories about the “most sensitive” robot in the world, an interview with a non-binary person and a conversation with one of the hottest newcomers on the Austrian music scene.

Fact check for Social Media

Project lecturer: Patrick Swanson

The students working in the ZIB Social Media Team dealt with how misinformation, conspiracy theories and targeted manipulations spread via social networks. The central question was how can journalists react to the challenge posed by “fake news”? And how does fact-checking work best?

Fact check Corona-Impfung:

Fact check Trump x Corona:

Fact check 5G: