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Leadership training in the Master’s Program in Marketing & Sales Management

March 14, 2022

Leadership training in the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management focuses on negotiating confidently as a manager, solving conflicts and being able to properly accompany internationalization and change processes.

The Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management at FHWien der WKW is clearly aimed at training managers. Besides the acquisition of professional skills, the ability to analyze and solve problems as well as personal reflection are essential. The Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills offers special modules in which leadership skills are developed and deepened.

Negotiation techniques and conflict management as basic skills

Successful strategic projects must also be negotiated profitably as a first step. Therefore, already in the 1st semester in the sub-module “Negotiation Techniques” the own negotiation style is analyzed, reflected and optimized in small groups. In the case of differing views and opinions, it is important to understand the underlying structures in order to be able to act in a goal-oriented manner. This is also trained in small groups in the 1st semester in the sub-module “Conflict Management”.

Successfully managing internationalization and change processes

Numerous business relationships in the marketing and sales industry take place in an international environment. Therefore, the sub-module “Intercultural Skills & Diversity Management” teaches essentials about culture-specific differences in the 3rd semester.

In rapidly changing times with diverse challenges, modifications are constant companions. This is also taken into account in the 3rd semester with the sub-module “Change Management”. Here, the focus is on the essential elements of change processes such as goal-oriented handling and target group-specific communication.

In combination with the subject-specific content of the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management at FHWien der WKW (more on this shortly), these acquired leadership skills are profitable prerequisites for flexibly meeting future requirements as well as better understanding and convincing employees and business partners.

The entire curriculum can be found here:

>> Study program folder (in German)