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Lectures on financial crime, fraud & forensic investigations

December 6, 2022
presentation of the Case Studies „Fraud & Forensic Investigations“
Presentation of Case Studies on the topic „Fraud & Forensic Investigations“

Due to the keen interest expressed by the students, a case study workshop on the subject of “Fraud & Forensic Investigations” was held on November 28 and 29, 2022 for the students of the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting & Taxation. This case study workshop is part of a cooperation between FHWien der WKW and the renowned auditing and tax consultancy firm Deloitte Austria.

The lecturer was Ms. Mag. Kathrin Stöckl, BSc who has been working in the Forensic Investigations department of Deloitte Financial Advisory GmbH for many years. In this capacity, her focus has been on forensic accounting, compliance advisory and internal audit.

At the beginning of the case studies, Ms. Stöckl went into the extensive area of forensic investigations and presented various schemes, current figures and trends in financial crime. Ms. Hackl then presented typical structures and procedures of different types of forensic investigations. Numerous practical examples illustrated the individual project stages – from the actual starting incident (e.g. whistleblower reports) to the actual forensic analysis and the final reporting on the case.

Finally, the students implemented the newly acquired knowledge and skills in the context of several forensic project simulations (e.g. Fake President Fraud).

The case studies provided the students with varied and very practical first insights into the field of financial crime and fraud, thereby opening up another possible professional area of ​​application for central contents of the study program.